jem and holograms makeup

jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms OOAK
  • Jem and the Holograms OOAK

  • DevinPitcher
    Apr 15, 01:07 PM
    Has no one noticed that the camera switches sides in the third image?? LOL


    No it doesn't.
    It's in the same spot in all 3.

    jem and holograms makeup. Her Jem and the Holograms
  • Her Jem and the Holograms

  • NebulaClash
    May 3, 10:36 PM
    Apple commercials are bright, uplifting and show how technology enhances the human experience. They show people using iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, etc in everyday situations. However Android Zoom, BB Playbook, Tab are dark, joyless with people abducted by aliens, enveloped and overpowered by machines, etc.

    Agreed, and it is the big long-term mistake Android marketers are making. When you appeal to young males in your ads, while repelling everyone else, you limit your product's long-term appeal. Gadget blogs don't see the problem because they are mostly young males.

    Apple ads appeal to everyone the way traditional Coke or McDonalds ads did and often still do.

    jem and holograms makeup. of Jem and the Holograms!
  • of Jem and the Holograms!

  • Knox
    Jan 5, 03:44 PM
    I don't think expense is the issue here.

    It was more the logistics of serving hundreds of thousands of clients I was thinking of, although expense could be a factor - I would suspect that the vast majority of people who would bother to watch a live keynote stream will find out what's said anyway via another method, so little financial benefit doing a live stream.

    Technically a live stream to the stores would be far more likely, but then you have human management issues - how busy the stores get etc.

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the holograms Glitter
  • Jem and the holograms Glitter

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    Apr 18, 07:30 PM
    I find it highly unnecessary for the TSA to pat down kids, especially, kids younger than 8-9 yrs old.

    When was the last time we ever heard of a toddler shoe bomber?

    They are horribly inappropriate, one "questionable" TSA lady groped my sister's boobs one flight, as if, last time I checked there are no records of people hiding crap in their boobs.

    I understand the intent may be safety, but measure the risk peoples.

    jem and holograms makeup. Get the #39;Jem and the
  • Get the #39;Jem and the

  • prady16
    Sep 12, 08:28 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update
    If not today, we could see an MB/MBP update sometime after Sep 16th when the free ipod nano promo expires. That's my best guess, but even i am hoping desperately for the update to happen today!

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms,
  • Jem and the Holograms,

  • Rocksaurus
    Oct 28, 05:37 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD? A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief? Maybe I'm missing something :o

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem And The Holograms,
  • Jem And The Holograms,

  • croooow
    Apr 6, 08:10 AM
    I remember a girl/woman submitting such an app to Apple.

    It was rejected on the grounds:

    'Not required => redundant'.

    I see something changing now. :rolleyes:

    That is the very first thing I thought of. I remember that rejection and how ridiculous it was for 2 reasons.

    1: She was trying to promote Apple's iAds! How does it hurt Apple?
    2: Has Apple seen all the apps that could easily be called "not required" or "redundant"?

    jem and holograms makeup. Inspiration: Jem and the
  • Inspiration: Jem and the

  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 01:14 PM
    Check out this to boost Mac OS X market share:,39020645,39284186,00.htm

    If Apple does it, Windows (read M$) will be out of business in three years!

    I can't believe a team full of idiots at Gartner, probably all making six figures plus, came up with such garbage. They really need to go to business school or just get some common sense. Apple is not a commodity computer maker. Apple is an innovation-based company. Apple is largely insulated from price pressures. It's *DELL* that should be worried. They compete on price and eventually some Taiwanese or Chinese company is going to start crushing them. U.S. companies are eventually going to have to exit the commodity PC market just as U.S. companies had to exit the memory chip market and largely exit the steel and textile manufacturing industries in earlier generations.

    So since Apple is not competing on price, they will eventually be limited to probably no more than 10 to 15 percent of the market. But they should be able to remain stable at that level, just as luxury car brands are able to maintain a certain market share.

    And as Jobs and others at Apple have pointed out *many* times, their advantage is in controlling both the software *and* the hardware. THAT'S their advantage. Not just the software. It applies not only to Macs but also to the iPod. Compare the Mac experience to a PC experience. Or compare the iPod experience to other MP3 players. The Apple products "just work" because Apple is able to control the hardware that the software runs on. If Apple gives up the hardware/software integration advantage, that will be the beginning of the end...

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms OOAK
  • Jem and the Holograms OOAK

  • AidenShaw
    Oct 5, 12:36 AM
    Meanwhile Vista will be behind Leopard in 64-bit support :) An optional install no less! :confused:
    This claim, of course, is based on two Powerpoints from a Stevenote at WWDC.

    The current 10.5 builds are behind XP 64-bit in support.

    And those Apple 64-bit Intel systems - not a lick of 64-bit support in the OSX that runs on them....

    jem and holograms makeup. Kimber from Jem and the
  • Kimber from Jem and the

  • twoodcc
    Apr 4, 09:36 AM
    well it looks like i won't get any bonus for this bigadv unit i'm working on. my computer keeps losing it's connection (in windows, it disables my LAN connection, and i can't re-enable it). so i then have to restart the computer.

    so i guess it's from the heat. i might have to run -smp 7 on the next one

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms face
  • Jem and the Holograms face

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 12:55 PM
    Here are my predictions (hold on to your pocket-protectors):

    Steve will enter the stage, the crowd will go wild, and he'll work on quieting them with lines such as, "I'd like to get started; we have a lot of great products I'd like to show you..." He'll proceed to talk about iTunes, the iPod, the iTS, so on and so forth, talk about OS X's user base, maybe touch on Leopard. He'll release TelePort (iTV), iWork & iLife as is expected, and finally, after he's done with the usual rambling about how great Apple is, he'll say "We've talked about some great products. We've talked about Mac OS X, we've talked about how to bring iTunes content into your living room... but I wanna talk about one more thing..." and dazzle us with an update to .Mac .

    We'll all proceed to connect to MacRumors and complain about how ****** stupid Apple is, yet continue buy every new release of anything they've ever produced.

    You know it's true. ;)

    Okay, really? TelePort, iWork, iLife, and either the true Video iPod or the PhonePod but not both. If they haven't been updated before the x-mas buying season, MPBs.


    [Edit:] Fixed spelling and grammar errors. Made myself look good. No content was changed.

    jem and holograms makeup. I totally loved Jem and the
  • I totally loved Jem and the

  • Abstract
    Sep 25, 05:09 PM
    Sorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem-inspired makeover
  • Jem-inspired makeover

  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 12, 05:43 PM
    Neither iLife nor Office are part of the OS, so why are we comparing them anyway?

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms-She
  • Jem and the Holograms-She

  • Macula
    Oct 28, 04:40 PM
    As long as it is MEANINGFUL to run OS/X on generic PCs, technical solutions (and ever better ones for that matter) will always be found.

    The only way for Apple to safeguard OS/X from generic machines is to make such hacking MEANINGLESS. The solution is not in security technologies such as TPM but in MARKETING: Building machines that are evidently cheaper, beautiful, feature-rich and FASTER than the competition.

    (Same goes for iPod and DRM, which was also cracked recently).

    jem and holograms makeup. (and Jem amp; the Holograms)
  • (and Jem amp; the Holograms)

  • JForestZ34
    Mar 17, 04:20 PM
    The poor kid simply hit the "cash" button before typing in the total. I used to work at BB (now an attorney), so I feel sorry for the kid. The OP committed retail theft by knowingly leaving the store with a product he didn't pay full value for (differentiated from receiving a computer by mistake because of the intent requirement). If the kid is not fired he will surely be written up and never able to move upward in the company to get things like health insurance and other benefits. What's worse is that this is the time of the year when BB takes on a lot of new hires.

    It's sad to see people surprised at "morality police" coming out against the OP. He committed a freaking crime! Worse, he thinks he deserved to do it because he was a good boy and didnt steal the lady's iPhone earlier...

    I doubt it will do any good, but I'll do my part and forward this thread to some friends at BB corporate. I'm sure they could track down the receipt and let the kids gm know why his register was off by that amount and that it wasn't internal theft. They'd also give the GM OP's info from his rz card, which could be amusing... :)

    Good luck.. But it won't do any good... Nice try though....


    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms OOAK
  • Jem and the Holograms OOAK

  • dime21
    May 5, 11:15 AM
    Why are you using fear as part of your argument? I shouldn't have to have a gun on me to feel safe in my community. It's not saying I feel immune to crime, but fear of crime shouldn't drive a person.
    Not fear of crime, but rather, the desire for self-preservation. Is someone else providing that safety for you? Or are you providing it for yourself? It sounds like you're taking option 3, and not providing it at all. FYI- the supreme court ruled that the police have no legal obligation to provide for your safety. Their job is only to catch the criminals during/after a crime - not to prevent it, and not to "keep you safe". Do you also choose not to wear your seat belt in your car, because that's for people who always fear collisions, and fear of an automotive collision shouldn't drive a person?

    Yes, I own a few guns and I carry a hand gun on my person anytime I leave the house. To run errands, to pick the kids up from school, you name it, I'm carrying. I look it at the same way as the fire extinguisher I have sitting in the corner of my kitchen. I really really don't want an occasion to use it. Ever. But should that occasion arise, I absolutely want to have immediate access to it. Without that fire extinguisher, all I could do is stand in the front yard and watch my home burn to the ground waiting for the fire department to arrive. Carrying a hand gun is no different that that fire extinguisher in my kitchen or the airbags in my car. I don't ever want to use them, but having them can mean the difference between life and death. It doesn't mean I'm being driven by fear of kitchen fires or vehicle collisions.

    Violent criminals frequently use guns to kill people. That is a fact, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Nothing. All you can do is arm yourself to level the playing field.

    Given the choice, I'd much rather have the robber hold me up with a knife, than a gun.
    Yes, because violent criminals give you a choice. lol. Next time you're in that situation, be sure to voice your opinion to your assailant. Please sir, if you are determined to rob me, please kindly exchange your hand gun for a knife. lmao. Oh wait, you may not even have the chance to ask, because now you're dead. He shot you because he felt like it, and there was nothing you could do to stop him.

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and the Holograms
  • Jem and the Holograms

  • Lancetx
    Jan 12, 11:38 PM
    There's an old saying that ain't bragging (or arrogant either for that matter) if you can do it. Well, Steve Jobs and Apple have proven time and time again that they can definitely do it.

    jem and holograms makeup. Jem and The Holograms SingStar
  • Jem and The Holograms SingStar

  • abhimat.gautam
    May 3, 11:52 PM
    Great ad, but the music seemed to fit completely with the "We Believe" ad and not really with this one.

    jem and holograms makeup. Kimber from Jem and the
  • Kimber from Jem and the

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 05:15 AM
    6pm BST, on what channel? :p


    Jan 10, 11:15 AM
    How about The Beatles finally on iTunes?
    HD Movies in iTunes!
    :apple:TV update for HD content, movie rentals and (((5.1 Dolby Surround Sound)))

    May 10, 09:39 PM
    It will be easier once you get moved.

    yeah it should be. i'll be there to fix any problems then

    But it's so fun cursing at the thing because you did something wrong and have to reboot into the firmware yet again. Ahhh, but once you get it right it feels good that you only took 3 days this time, the last time took a week or more :p each time gets a little less painful, usually anyway. :rolleyes:

    haha, yeah it can be fun....when it works. not so fun when things aren't working. but i'll get it

    But you loose the bigadv unit every time almost no?

    i wouldn't say that. it seems this is the only area where i've been kinda lucky. i haven't lost as many bigadv units as some, but i have lost a few

    That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.

    yeah i'm sorry to hear no bigadv units for that monster. yeah reinstalling fah might help. let us know how it goes

    Mar 24, 03:26 PM
    OS X was unique when it was released, Apple did not include it with systems until June and it wasn't the default boot until almost a year later.

    I was given a PowerBook G4 500 when I graduated from High School, when we went to pick it up, the salesmen were surprised that it came with OS X, and doubled RAM at no extra cost. I didn't install OS X the first time until July, shortly after I arrived at college. I enjoyed many aspects of the system, except for the inability to run games like Sim City 3000 in Classic Mode, and issues related to attaching TVs via the SVideo connector, not to mention the lack of a DVD player. Between July and the release of 10.1 in September/October, I'd actually had to have my system sent back to Apple 3 times due to screen/Video Card issues. Each time, when they reformatted the hard drive and installed OS X they did it a different time. The first time both OS X and OS9 were on the same partition, in the second, they were separate, and the third, they were separate, and there was another partition for data. After the third time, I reformatted again, and followed the recommended procedure to install OS X and OS 9, including installing OS X first, then installing OS 9 as a New OS. After 10.1 came out, I began booting into OS 9 less and less, until after 10.5 came out, and I was stuck on Tiger, I actually loaded OS 9 onto my iPod and would boot of of it when I needed. Now, there are only two or three things I could think of still wanting OS 9 for, like SC2K or Myst, but nothing that makes or breaks the system. Now that I'm on a machine that runs Leopard, and I don't have the option, and I don't miss it.

    I just hope that 10.7 doesn't take us cold turkey away from PPC, a bit faster than we would like.


    Apr 27, 07:04 PM
    My sources.. well, my main sources is the Apple documentation (all of it), then theres books and all the same stuff than most developers learn from. And.. no I haven't read all of the books, nor watch every video but I will.

    Again with the lack of specificity. :rolleyes:

    Being specific is a huge part of learning how to program, because computers only do what you tell them to do. (As you should have learned just by living through this thread).

    It's not essential to read every page of every book, but certain books are good at explaining particular concepts. Others, less so.

    Telling us specifically which resources got you in this mess, can help us point you at the relevant portions of the resources you already have at your disposal. It also can help us the next newbie who doesn't know a method from an object instance, by pointing them to different resources to avoid your mistakes.

    For example, if we know you have access to Kochan's book we could be more specific and say: "Go back and re-read Chapter 3 on "Classes, Objects and Methods"" instead of a more generic "step back and learn the fundamentals".

    No, self refers to the instance of the object that is executing the currently running code.

    Which Nekbeth might actually know if they took the time to learn something about objects, for example from said Chapter 3 in Kochan. For me, it remains the best description of objects I have read.


    Mar 14, 06:54 AM
    Garageband is a great product and is pretty innovative.

    I disagree. GarageBand is nothing but a mere childs toy compaired to the likes of Pro-Tools and the Ableton Suite. Even Logic (GarageBand for grown ups) is pretty damn basic compaired to what DigiDesign put into their products.

    Steve can say "This is not a toy!" in his demos as much as he likes. GarageBand is a toy.