cool designs for toenails

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  • fun173
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails. easy designs for nails. easy designs for nails. DocNYz. Nov 2, 03:37 PM
  • cool designs for toenails. easy designs for nails. easy designs for nails. DocNYz. Nov 2, 03:37 PM

  • aleck
    Aug 8, 04:07 AM
    The real problem with ACD is that they don't have HDCP in the DVIs. Bying such a large monitor (I'm targeting 23") is 5-year investment. And bying one now, without HDCP is a wasted money because in 2 years HD movies would be mainstream and you could not watch them on that nice big monitor you bought.

    I was hoping Apple would present new ones now, but I guess it's not in the immediate plans.

    20" is still way too overpriced for the qualities it offers. That LG.Philips S-IPS panel has nice colours, but so is P-MVA in the Viewsonic wide range, with added benefit of being GBP150 cheaper in UK.

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • Full of Win
    Apr 29, 04:41 PM
    For the love of god get rid of the faux leather.

    Its so ugly. I hope there will be a hack that will bring some taste back to 10.7.

    cool designs for toenails. It#39;s surprisingly cool and
  • It#39;s surprisingly cool and

  • fun173
    Apr 21, 11:50 AM
    I dont like this. Now im going to be too paranoid about how people rate my posts :p

    In reality I don't care. It really does not affect my MR experience and i am neutral to it.


    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 4, 09:04 AM
    Does anybody know what apps are featured in this commercial? I was able to identify a few of them, but not all, and are not yet listed in the AppStore.

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • MBPLurker
    Mar 17, 10:55 AM
    Lets keep the flaming going lol, Maybe it will reach 500 posts, lmao funny how people believe everything they read in a forum, sec I'm also a lawyer, and Doctor, yea I can pick any profession I want on MacRumors, everyone enjoy their iPad, I'm going back to the real world, while the debate in this thread continues.

    Poor kid really doesn't think he did anything wrong.


    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • ctrobins
    Jul 21, 11:58 AM
    Nokia???? What's a 'Nokia'?

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 17, 02:48 PM
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    I have no idea what experience you are speaking from, but it isn't universal. :confused:

    I assure you that in the junior high, high school, and college classes I took, Hinckley was mentioned, JFK may or may not have been described as a Catholic, and Jodi Foster wasn't even popular yet.


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  • Black And White Nail Designs

  • Rt&Dzine
    May 4, 03:27 PM
    The hypocrisy from those of you on the left on this issue is pretty clear. If this was the GLBTA trying to pass a similar law regarding homosexuality, etc. you'd have no problem with it.

    Because being a homosexual is just like owning a gun. They're both choices. :rolleyes:

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Oct 11, 12:50 AM
    I'm sure I'll get snarkey comments, but here goes: If I can't check my email on it, I'm not interested.

    I've got a couple iPods and a shuffle. They play music, and that's great, but I want something that gets MY information to me. When that happens, they've got me sold.


    cool designs for toenails. Cool Designs For Fingernails.
  • Cool Designs For Fingernails.

  • Geckotek
    Jan 1, 03:34 PM
    Forgive me if these two points have been mentioned as I didn't read the whole thread, but;

    From what I'm hearing, the cell chip in the iPhone is capable of working on upgraded networks. Now, I don't know what that means as far as LTE goes because I haven't bothered to research it, but I do that it's based off of 3g (long term evolution). This may render the iPhone capable of using that network with no hardware specific changes. If anything, Apple may have to offer different firmwares per carrier.

    No, the chip in the iPhone will not handle LTE. LTE, while being developed by the same group the developed HSPA, is NOT the same tech and requires all new hardware.

    Also, the iPhone 4 is not capable of working on upgraded networks. It does not support anything higher than HSPA (does not support HSPA+)

    The other point though, which is the most interesting to me in that it's so important and no one ever really mentions it, is that Verizon's network doesn't multitask. How ironic that the phone which was continuously bashed for not having multitasking in the OS was one of the only phones on the market that could multitask on the network. I'm gonna go out on a hunch here and say that Apple will NOT release an iPhone on a network that doesn't allow for calling and web browsing at the same time. Especially after they've worked so hard on getting application multitasking to work the way they wanted to. Apparently, the LTE network is supposed to take care of this, but we'll have to wait and see.

    Lastly, Happy New Year everyone!

    Verizon and Apple have at least 2 solutions they could implement to enable simultaneous voice and data on CDMA.

    cool designs for toenails. Check out this cool design
  • Check out this cool design

  • mantan
    Apr 15, 08:59 PM
    and FAIL.

    iphone needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    ipad needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    apple do stuff well and make good products because that's what the heck they frickin do!

    they dont need anything to prod them on but their own imagination. companies that innovate by imitation because they got caught with their pants down arent about better products for end users. that's why their stuff sucked in the first place.

    I have to disagree a bit. Competition drives innovation, even at Apple. They are great at creating new products....but they need a little prod now and again. We would have continued to get incremental updates like the 3GS (where a compass was touted as a major new feature) if the Android didn't close the gap. The result, an iPhone 4 that was a major leap.

    We all accept paying $150 for a Nano when Sansa was selling high quality MP3 players at a third of that 5 years ago.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.


    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails. Cool Easy Designs For Nails. Cool Easy Designs For Nails. appleguy123. May 2, 11:01 PM
  • cool designs for toenails. Cool Easy Designs For Nails. Cool Easy Designs For Nails. appleguy123. May 2, 11:01 PM

  • usher
    Apr 15, 08:33 PM
    i just wondering why apple never consider about something unusual...:apple::o

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • timerollson
    Apr 10, 02:09 PM
    Needed some spring inspiration and contact lens solution....


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  • toenail polish designs

  • vincenz
    Apr 21, 10:38 AM
    Can we use this in the future to vote people off the island? :D

    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails.
  • cool designs for toenails.

  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 08:52 AM
    I don't see how the writing on the iPhone is crooked or whatever, maybe I'm blind. The photo looks real. But I hope it's not, and if it is real, I hope that's just a prototype, because I don't like the square shape and the angular edges on the back.


    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails. nail painted nails cool; nail painted nails cool. DJMastaWes. Jul 22, 10:02 AM. I#39;m just burnin#39; doin#39; the Merom
  • cool designs for toenails. nail painted nails cool; nail painted nails cool. DJMastaWes. Jul 22, 10:02 AM. I#39;m just burnin#39; doin#39; the Merom

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:01 PM
    This will be the first time ever, regular people will stop waiting for their computer to work, even when using multiple applications.

    Umm - sorry to destroy your illusion here, but Amiga made that possible already in 1985! This was thanks to true preemptive multitasking (while Classic MacOS sported cooperative multitasking only, up to OS9). No matter how big the workload and with several applications open at the same time an Amiga would react instantly to any user action!

    Even today a 50MHz Amiga with 128Mb of Ram often feels a lot more responsive than a 2.000+MHz beast with 1GB of Ram in a "modern" computer. Granted - todays GUIs are more complex as well, but still...

    So with the new era of multi-core machines the "rest of the (home)computerworld" will finally have come on par with what Amiga could offer more than 20 years ago already!


    cool designs for toenails. Cool+designs+for+nails
  • Cool+designs+for+nails

  • Burgess07
    Apr 29, 06:46 PM
    I don't like this. Apple, give us an option to choose the iOS slider buttons!

    Or I will throw all my apple products out the window. :o:mad::apple:

    Like this? :p


    cool designs for toenails. cool designs for toenails. Cool+designs+to+paint+on+
  • cool designs for toenails. Cool+designs+to+paint+on+

  • wrlsmarc
    Oct 6, 12:35 PM
    Verizon won't have much time to run this commercial. With 3G 850MHz roll-out in full momentum, AT&T will begin to cover more geography quickly.

    As for dropped calls, I have dropped calls with all the carriers including Verizon. It is fair to say that AT&T network quality earlier this year did decline substantially as more iPhone's came on the network. In my area, San Francisco, the recent launch of 3G on 850MHz has returned the network to a good quality level. Also, in-building coverage issues for 3G are past.

    IMHO, and the way I purchase devices, what I have in my hand is the device that will serve me best. I have tried WinMo, Palm Pre (cheap plastic, a true joke of a device) and Nokia Symbian, Blackberry and Android. The iPhone is the phone I have settled on for the past 2+ years. Pre iPhone, I was always seeking for that once device that met all my needs. I finally have it.

    As for you Verizon users, CDMA is a dead end technology that most carriers in the world are abandoning. Look at what's happening up north with Bell and Telus. Over the next couple years, the new phone assortment for Verizon and Sprint will dwindle relative to HSPA. Eventually Verizon will have LTE but they won't have the geographic coverage of their existing network before 2015.

    Lots to think about when you choose a network provider or device, huh?

    Mar 16, 10:49 AM
    What difference does it make if one Android device outsells the iPhone? Many of the features are in the OS, not the hardware.

    Because when he focuses on one device, Apple 'win'.

    Oct 3, 11:11 AM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    It's currently the only way to get non-Disney movies onto an iPod and many other similar devices. It's also a way for users to get the videos they've paid for onto media devices that don't have a DVD drive. For the movie industry to say that they have to buy the movie again is completely ludicrous on their part.

    His work allowed people to use the media and devices they paid for in the way that they want to use it. I would call that productive.

    I know you probably don't agree with it but frankly, I think the movie industry is being too greedy here.

    The DMCA changed that, and until it's tested in court anything where encryption is used or even potentially used is not "safe" to reverse engineer in the US.

    DVDJon is in the EU, which I don't think has such a law yet. The DMCA only applies to the US. Counterpart laws are in the works.

    There might be some trouble if he decides to come to the US. Adobe had some Russian guy arrested when he came to the US for making a program that applied ROT13 to Adobe's "encrypted" files to make them useable.

    He's just another guy trying to make a quick buck...

    I think that's a bit of an ignorant comment. It's taken him long enough to get around to doing so, so I don't think "quick" applies. He's been breaking encryption systems for maybe ten years now, I'm not sure if he's made any money on it so far.

    My knowledge on these areas is pretty slim but would Apple be able to license FairPlay content only or would that open up the risk of other companies creating MP3 players that could read FairPlay content and, hence, compete with the iPod? ...or is that some sore of seperate licensure?

    I doubt that licencing the format would have to mean that it allows competing players. The licensing contracts can be very specific such that it allows only encryptors, not decryptors, and be limited to certain circumstances.

    Jan 10, 05:29 PM
    Agreed that it was stupid, and may hurt credibility, but i still love reading gizmodo, and would not wish to see them banned from MW or the next CES. People do stupid things, if they do it again, ban them, but i say let them off the hook for this one.

    Oct 20, 12:44 PM
    A lot of people have more than one mac...I've found that people with macs tend to hold on to them and find a use for the older machines when new ones are bought. Either using them as servers or hook em up to a TV, older macs tend to hang around.

    Apr 29, 05:35 PM
    I'm skipping Lion. I see no advantage over Snow Leopard.

    also...the new ical reminds me of this... :D