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  • Danksi
    Dec 31, 10:59 PM
    I guess the problem with a subscription model is, for now, the cost of bandwidth to Apple. A bittorrent-like sharing system might solve that.

    .. they could just use a similar setup as their Podcast listings... Apple lists em, for free so far, but the podcasters host the files.

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  • cool eye makeup. tips

  • rmhop81
    Sep 7, 05:41 PM
    well the problem is that sub accounts cannot exist without the main account and main account has to be renewed every year. so this essentially means i cannot use family pack by myself for 5 years.
    i never said that u could go 5 years off one family pack. i simply posted those bc people were complaining about apple's price....newegg is cheaper so order from there for the exact same product....

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 2, 11:07 PM
    Always have to use the word magical

    cool eye makeup styles. And trying to copy eye makeup
  • And trying to copy eye makeup

  • KingYaba
    Aug 16, 04:17 PM
    Just wait and see. I bet the only new thing we'll see is iPod Nano's getting more storage. As for the replacment of the iPod Video. Just a bigger screen.

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  • For a more subtle makeup style

  • macidiot
    Jul 21, 07:07 PM
    Your summation is a leap of faith, check your market history what I said has STRONG historical backing yours does NOT.

    The USA President has a HUGE effect day to day ON THE WORLD scene and that effects the value of the dollar and thus everything else especially foreign investment which is THE BIGGEST money flow.

    And Jimmy Carter is the BEST EXAMPLE of a disaster of foreign confidence.

    I YOU believe THIS then you believe everything else he says and you are not paying any attention to WHAT HE DOES :eek:

    Duuu !!

    Without any doubt the President can and does, by WHO he appoints to the position of Fed Chairman.

    Presidents that have a clue also have HUGE control over the money supply by how they fine tune and enforce immigration law, the demographics of entrepreneurialism is hugely effected in a relatively short time by emigration from europe since the average age of those emigrants is around 35.

    The Feds money supply adjustments are diluted by this immigration which has a BIG effect on economic growth and the job market, although I don't expect you to understand this.

    ��� I AM NOT SURPRISED !!!

    You just like to argue !

    Your dreaming. The only thing a president can directly do to a market is provide a psychological boost, like when Reagan took office. The president can pass laws that make things favorable for the economy and stock market. However, this takes years to see the effects. And in case you don't know, the president can NOT pass laws by himself.

    Again, since you clearly have no idea about government or economics, the market did well during the 80's because the overall economy was doing well. Which was normal, considering the country was in recession during the Carter administration. Oh, and the economy did poorly during the BUsh administration. Then did well during Clinton. It's called the business cycle. Which you obviously have no idea what that is. If you did, you would understand what the Fed does.

    WTF does foreign confidence have to due with domestic economy? Carter was a failure economically because he was ineffective. And this was due to Congress. And AGAIN, there is something called the business cycle. You should study your history. The value of the dollar has little effect on day to day matters. Additionally, the foreign investment you speak of is important to debt, in the form of bonds and t-bills. It has far less effect on the stock market. You should study how world markets work.

    While the president does appoint reserve board members, again your completely wrong. When Bush came into office, Greenspan was Chairman. So obviously, Bush did not appoint him. In fact, Ronald Reagan appointed him. Additionally, the governers serve for a time long enough to effectively keep them independent (14 years). So tell me, how does the President instruct the Fed to adjust the money supply? Oh that's right, he can't.

    Basically, what you are saying is that the President also completely controls the Supreme court since the president also nominates justices? Whatever.

    Immigration from Europe? What century are you living in? You think that effects the US economy? Puh-lease. Europe is in decline. Economically, the US pays attention to China and the far east. Not Europe. The money supply is diluted by immigration? WTF. And the President controls the money supply through immigration law? Those statements are absurd. In fact, they have to be some of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time.

    I am guessing your living in Europe. Which would explain your euro-centric, myopic, and ill-informed opinions about how the US government and economy works.

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  • vartanarsen
    Apr 26, 01:22 PM
    how hilarious would it be if we saw those Martin Glick lawyers in the courtroom all using iPhones LOL!

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  • cool eye makeup styles.

  • buckers
    Apr 19, 01:02 PM
    I fancy a bit of a redesign (nothing wild, maybe a bit thinner and change of colour? a bit bored of them now, but probably just me).

    But yeah, good stuff :)

    cool eye makeup styles. Emo Eyes Makeup Tips
  • Emo Eyes Makeup Tips

  • kungming2
    Jan 12, 12:09 AM
    Exactly, it doesn't make any sense.

    There's a lot of demand for a notebook that would be smaller and lighter. In fact, I had a friend who thought that even the MacBook was too small and he wanted something similar to the Toshiba R500. People have a point there - 4 pounds is a lot for some people who get sore shoulders easily...

    Though everything beats lugging a heavy PC around.. The Dells they sell here at Princeton U. are atrociously heavy - but it's all good, as it makes the PC users even more jealous of the 66% of the student body that DOES use Macs. :D:p

    cool eye makeup styles. Eye Makeup Styles
  • Eye Makeup Styles

  • Eolian
    Mar 28, 04:50 PM
    I know this is venturing into iOS territory, but the single feature that would drive Classic well into the future for me is AirPlay. No other touchscreen BS; keep it rugged, keep it click wheel, just 160+GB of your fixed and lovingly maintained library, in your hand, poised to beam to the big stereo.


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  • crazy eye makeup.

  • spencers
    Jan 6, 09:56 AM
    To the BMW guys, how reliable is the E46 325i?
    I have a chance to pick one up for a fairly low cost (Less than $6,000 canadian). It is pretty much mint and VERY well maintained.
    Car has a bit higher miles (~125,000 miles/ 205,000km), but I am guessing well maintained they will last quite a while?

    I really enjoyed my brothers E36, and I just got rid of my project cars so I figure this would be a nice change.

    If properly maintained, mileage holds no bounds! BMW's will go to 250k easy.

    Bimmerforums is mainly an E36 site. Bimmerfest is a better E46 resource.
    E46Fanatics is another good forum. If you can sift through all the BS posts, there's a wealth of information hiding within.

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  • By Celebrity Makeup Style

  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 12:42 PM
    Gran Turismo 5: Collector's Edition (PSN: copenmind, if you wanna race :D ).

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  • MikhailT
    Apr 10, 10:35 AM
    I don't understand why everyone seems to dislike the "new" iCal so much. Clearly, it was adopted by iPad iOS at first and now by Mac OS X Lion. Nothing new here. Nothing unexpected.

    I don't remember people disliking/complaining about the iCal look on iPad at all. I tell ya, people complain just for the sake of complaining. What a crowd. :rolleyes:It doesn't look exactly the same on the iPad and an interface tuned to iOS shouldn't be used in the same away on the desktop. You can be creative with the interface controls and so on but this is too far. The colors are too distracting and much *brighter* than the one used on the iPad.

    The problem that I have is that Apple seems to breaking away from their Human Interface Guidelines that every developers on the Macs platform follows. The sooner they do this, the more likely the third party apps are going to not follow it either. If every apps looks completely different, then it's going to be harder to get used to how things work on the Mac platform. Consistency is the number 1 thing that Mac OS X does successfully and if we break away from it, it's going to look ugly overnight.

    I don't think people are complaining for the sake of complaining, in this case, they have a valid reason to. Not only is it look completely different, it can be distracting when you're used to all metal theme on OS X and you can't choose to disable this interface.

    IMO, it's distracting, ugly and I want an option to turn this off. Otherwise, I'd just wait for a third-party app with a better interface and/or hacks to enable the *Aqua* theme.

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  • blue and gold eye makeup.

  • person135
    Oct 30, 03:05 PM
    The switcheasy color looks good, and it's cheap, but this griffin one ( also looks good and this Speck pixelskin ( too, but the griffin one seems to be shock/drop proof (at least more so than the other 2).

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 11:13 AM
    I do and have been the last 10 years

    Helped learning to ride a motorcycle also

    I remember getting into an auto and mistook the brake for the clutch one time

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  • Carniphage
    Nov 30, 08:25 AM
    why not put a bluray in the itv?

    Why not put wheels on a boat?

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  • and eye makeup is a case

  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 04:40 PM

    ... along with a bag of walnuts, carrots and some eggs.

    Mmm... I like oysters. :)

    cool eye makeup styles. Classic Eye Makeup Ideas
  • Classic Eye Makeup Ideas

  • mikethebigo
    Apr 2, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    amazing commercial that gets to the core of why the apple experience is so good. kudos marketing team.

    cool eye makeup styles. Eye Makeup Styles
  • Eye Makeup Styles

  • Lollypop
    Aug 16, 07:57 AM
    Its going to be extremly tough to decide between a wii and a fullscreen ipod. I really want a wii.

    I didnt even think about the wii.... :eek: I still dont see why nintendo and apple cant get in bed together, they both would like to see M$ fail, and they both could profit from a aliance, just imagine, pluging the ipod into the wii and then shopping for music on the wii... :cool:

    cool eye makeup styles. how to do your makeup emo.
  • how to do your makeup emo.

  • MacFanJeff
    Mar 26, 04:00 AM
    While professionals can say bye bye to nVidia's CUDA processing and PhysX.

    ATI/AMD is doing what they can, developing an OpenCL driven bullet physics port to Maya but they always seem to be one step behind - announcing a plugin for Maya 2011 in the same week that Autodesk announced that nVidia Physx is being integrated directly into Maya 2012 with real time physx cloth deformation, rigid body dynamics, and physx accelerated calculations for DMM destruction.

    On the windows side, 3ds Max is getting Physx integration, too. Open CL is cool but it's got some ground to make up in the application world.

    If you refer to my prior post in this thread, I too am a professional 3D content creator. As things stand currently, all software I use take better advantage of nVidia compared to ATI. Most of what I use prefer "CUDA" cores and eventually more "PhysX" integration.

    This is why I can no longer use Apple at all in my work, I can not come close to getting what I can from a pair of 580 GTX factory OC cards in SLI for a Mac Pro. In fact, most of what Apple offers is still behind the curve.

    It is the single area where Apple fails and I know from attending conferences that most of the big names simply don't care because they do not have enough users on that platform to matter. Don't get me wrong, I still think Apple is great for most all other areas and I recommend them to family and friends. But for the 3D professional market, there is no way I can use Apple without making many sacrifices.

    Aug 6, 11:18 PM
    i dunno if this has been cleared up in any other posts or whatever, but does anybody know if there will be a live quicktime video feed? i figured if steve is going to be demo-ing stuff in leopard, he'd want the hundreds of thousands of people to actually *see* it! anyway, just curious.


    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 11, 04:55 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.

    dealing with it once is annoying but if you have to deal with that traffic every day you start to really consider going automatic. While I lived in Dallas and driving threw morning and evening rush hour every day in my manual I really was debating about giving up the manual and going auto because it was annoying putting up with it every day. Once or twice a week I would never of considered it but dealing with it every day I would go to work really made me consider it.
    I was honestly shocked at myself when I realized that when I love driving a manual and have been driving one since I was 15. I was around 25 at the time. That should give you some reason.

    My brother gave up an manual to go auto because he was dealing with traffic around his school and lot and just did not want to deal with it. he has no regrets about it. Of my family only my sister never learned out to drive a manual tranny and she has zero interest in wanting to do it.

    As for me I still am driving a manual and I am pretty sure I will try to make my next car a manual tranny as one thing I can not stand is lazy automatic. I like being able to drop to a lower gear for more power when I want to. It makes passing a hell of a lot easier.

    Nov 29, 02:10 PM
    Already been done...

    That is absolutely fantastic!

    Aug 16, 07:47 AM
    Well, it sounds like the next iPod's going to be a rather large update if half the rumors are to be believed.

    Aug 24, 05:42 PM
    It May Be Time For A Mac For My Entertainment Center