gallery of tattoos

gallery of tattoos. Skull Tattoo
  • Skull Tattoo

  • charlituna
    Apr 8, 02:30 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

    MacRumors always checks their facts. How dare you suggest otherwise. And it is a fact that TechCrunch posted a story that said . ..

    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    I don't have a problem with Best Buy per se. Just some of their sales people and store managers. They are undertrained for what they are talking about (so what is the Z12q rating on this Mac again?) or just way pushy about their Geek Squad etc.

    My way around there is to go in to window shop and then I price check around and if it turns out that Best Buy has the best price I'll order online for in store pick up and avoid the floor staff. A win all the way around

    gallery of tattoos. New Butterfly Tattoos Gallery
  • New Butterfly Tattoos Gallery

  • BRLawyer
    Oct 3, 03:36 PM
    One and ONLY release at MW 2007: iTV. Oh yeah, and the retirement annoucement by SJ: iGiveup.

    gallery of tattoos. dragon-tattoo-pictures-2a
  • dragon-tattoo-pictures-2a

  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Apr 7, 11:21 PM
    Photo of approx. 48 packets of Red Bull.

    Oddly enough, just looking at the photo of the approximately 48 packets of Red Bull energy drinks is giving me a crazy thought.... :o I can't help but wonder what would happen if a person drank every packet of those Red Bull energy drinks in that photo in one go! :confused: :eek: :p :D

    gallery of tattoos. and Tattoo Designs Gallery
  • and Tattoo Designs Gallery

  • BRLawyer
    Oct 3, 06:40 AM
    Hello "lawyer". No legal permission is required for reverse engineering.

    Really? Which jurisdiction you talk from? And what kind of IPR are we considering here? Have ya ever heard of the DMCA, which forbids reverse engineering except for very limited purposes?

    If you don't really know legal issues, please spare us from such glib comments.

    gallery of tattoos. /gallery/skull-tattoos/13-
  • /gallery/skull-tattoos/13-

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 02:11 PM
    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    gallery of tattoos. tattoos gallery. fish tattoos
  • tattoos gallery. fish tattoos

  • flottenheimer
    Apr 16, 02:43 PM
    Wishing for a matte black plastic finish on the next iPhone.

    gallery of tattoos. Female Tattoo Gallery
  • Female Tattoo Gallery

  • cocky jeremy
    Apr 25, 02:47 PM
    That looks fine actually.

    I'm fine with Apple not changing the overall design from the iPhone 4. It's already pretty sexy. This will just be like iPhone 3G ->iPhone 3Gs. They just make it better.

    Now where can I pay?! :D

    Same here. They can keep the iPhone 4 design for years and years. I love it. As far as a bigger screen, i don't really care either way. Give me dual-core A5, doubled RAM, and 64 GB, a better camera sensor, and i'm happy. I don't want 8 MP camera, just a 5 MP camera with a bigger/better sensor. :)

    gallery of tattoos. tattoos gallery
  • tattoos gallery

  • Advil
    Apr 15, 04:43 PM
    the way it tapers in the back... no way ive would let that happen

    gallery of tattoos. Gallery
  • Gallery

  • wildmac
    Oct 2, 03:46 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    No honor among theives... :cool:

    gallery of tattoos. Free Tattoo Gallery
  • Free Tattoo Gallery

  • Donz0r
    Jan 5, 02:56 PM
    Thank You!!! I always want to do this! Also, this year I have an appointment right in the middle of the keynote! You guys rock! IMO, this is The Best way to discover the new products, the way it was meant to be.

    gallery of tattoos. Off the Map Tattoo
  • Off the Map Tattoo

  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:40 PM
    Probably. :D BTW, you have a link to that? Edit: nvm I found it on MS's site. (

    i couldn't get anything that's a windows media file to play. here is a link for people with that problem. it has all keynotes as .flv

    gallery of tattoos. gallery of tattoos.
  • gallery of tattoos.

  • JustSayGrr
    Sep 29, 11:18 PM
    I understand that the plans have to be submitted to local planning authorities for architectural and engineering reviews, etc. but I think I'd be a little upset at even the rough floor plans making it out on the web out of concern for personal safety. :eek:

    I would hope that there are some elaborate physical security features as part of the build out. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why it's a relatively modestly sized home on a comparatively large lot size...a physical buffer zone.

    gallery of tattoos. Exotic Tattoos | Art Gallery:
  • Exotic Tattoos | Art Gallery:

  • byeehaaw
    Jan 15, 02:19 PM
    where is 10.5.2!? that was the main thing i was looking for lol

    gallery of tattoos. gallery of tattoos.
  • gallery of tattoos.

  • La Porta
    Mar 25, 07:02 AM
    I remember, I was so excited for this to arrive all day at school. I was a 17 year-old high school senior, just itching to get out of class because I knew the package would arrive that day. I had been running OS X Public Beta on my iMac DV SE and was ready for the real thing! Little did I know that, as far as I go, the "real thing" came with 10.2 on my next LCD iMac!

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  • tattoo design gallery hot

  • 0010101
    Oct 29, 01:34 AM
    The problem with Apple making a 'PC' version of OSX is that they'd have to write it to work with a million different combinations of hardware.. one of the reasons XP is such a crappy OS.

    Since Apple builds the hardware, they build the OS to work with that hardware. That's what makes it so stable and reliable.

    Now, Apple could, in theory, start a 'OSX Compliant' program, telling third party hardware vendors like Dell or HP that if they use a specific logic board chipset, video chipset, etc that OSX would run as well on such a PC as a Mac, but all that would do is kill Apples hardware sales, because most folks would opt for the ballsed out clone instead of the neutered Apple.

    That's why licencing nearly killed Apple.. because the clone companies were building a better, faster box for much less money, and cutting too deep into their hardware sales (which they're making alot more than 20% on).

    Another good reason for Apple to keep OSX on their hardware is Microsoft, who would probably quit releasing OSX versions of their popular Word and Excel software if Apple were to try and go head to head with them in the OS market.

    Even animals know better than to $#it where they eat.

    Despite Apples superior OS, I doubt they'll ever gain much more than 20% of the market, because when it comes down to it, people in general are going to buy what is inexpensive and familure, and has the best range of software available.

    Software companies are going to write software for the largest audience possible.. and that's going to continue to be the Winblows platform.

    Why hasn't there been a 'universal' version of Photoshop yet? Because the hard core digital imaging people are hanging on to their G5's. The 'casual' and 'consumer' users can use their software just fine under Rosetta on their Intel Macs.

    There isn't any incentive for Adobe to port their flagship product yet.. because customers don't have any real incentive to buy it yet.

    gallery of tattoos. Lower Back Tattoos Girl
  • Lower Back Tattoos Girl

  • bruinsrme
    May 3, 04:01 PM
    Considering communism is dependent on control of the resources so they can be equally doled out, it's not free and open. You're thinking of anarchy.
    Your username is appropriate. :rolleyes:

    I'm on an unlimited plan, so how do I pay for tethering? I use around 8 GB/month because I stream music, so I can't give up my unlimited. If AT&T offered the option to add a tethering plan, I would take them up on it.

    I would gladly pay $20 a month to tether on my unlimited plan.

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  • tattoos eminem image gallery

  • saving107
    Mar 17, 01:03 AM
    Continue to justify yourself, don't worry, your not the bad guy here, Best Buy is.

    And as much as you hate them, you continue to give them your business and use their Reward Zone service.

    gallery of tattoos. Hope Gallery Tattoo : Tattoos
  • Hope Gallery Tattoo : Tattoos

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 17, 03:10 PM
    They're not in the records?

    Come on, guy. Does it really matter if somebody were gay? I thought people of a liberal mindset are supposed to be "colorblind" or what have you, yet all of a sudden their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their achievements, should be made an important part of history?

    How hypocritical.

    There's a difference in being colorblind in your everyday life - hiring the best man for the job, black or white - and acknowledging the people who made living like this possible - for example, remembering Jackie Robinson as the first black player in the major leagues. Nothing hypocritical at all about that.

    gallery of tattoos. gallery of tattoos
  • gallery of tattoos

  • belvdr
    Mar 11, 01:17 PM
    Milestone 1:

    Milestone 2:

    Milestone 3 (the most recent):

    Any questions?

    Links to Steve's presentations and nothing else, eh? If computing has changed, then why do we still have laptops and desktops? Even better, why does Apple still sell them?

    At least you are following this statement perfectly :

    I just look to Steve to see the trends in posting on Macrumors. Whatever the guy says, it means it will become defacto opinion on this site.

    Optimus Frag
    May 4, 06:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I've no real need for an iPad and as such, no need for a tablet. But having had a go with the 'competitor's' including the so called iPad killer, Xoom, I think Apple have already won. These iPad ads are just confirming that to the public.

    Jul 21, 10:27 AM
    The antenna issue is real. It is more pronounced on the iPhone 4 than other smartphones because it is directly exposed to touch.

    That said, Apple is defending the notion that this problem does in fact affect nearly all phones to some degree. They show evidence and catalog it very clearly. What's wrong with that?

    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Oct 19, 10:32 AM
    Wow...right now Apple's stock is up $4.59.

    Apr 26, 11:21 AM
    Like this: 283005

    Oct 17, 08:09 PM
    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    I have one word for you Lossless.