brad pitt workout troy

brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout.
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  • karatekidk
    Mar 24, 03:05 PM
    Happy 10th B'day!

    Getting a bit sentimental just by thinking about what I was doing in 2001...

    brad pitt workout troy. Brad Pitt Workout
  • Brad Pitt Workout

  • iliketomac
    Nov 23, 08:12 PM
    As early as 6am, actually.

    yeah that's early! hmmm, what about the new york city 5th ave store? since they're 24/7, when would the sale start off for that store?? 12 midnight tonight??:rolleyes:

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt workout troy. troy Achilles+rad+pitt+; troy Achilles+rad+pitt+. NAG. Mar 31, 04:45 PM. I don#39;t think it is evil. It is crazy for people to pretend
  • rad pitt workout troy. troy Achilles+rad+pitt+; troy Achilles+rad+pitt+. NAG. Mar 31, 04:45 PM. I don#39;t think it is evil. It is crazy for people to pretend

  • Millah
    Oct 2, 01:07 AM
    Actually that is not quite accurate as bloggers are not people.

    In any event, people need to lighten up. The self-righteousness exhibited in this forum would be quite amusing if it was not so sad. CES is one massive, pompous, over-wrought technology advertisement, and you are all crying at some schoolboy prank interrupting some guy's presentation.

    And just to re-iterate, bloggers are non-professionals hacks that should never be taken seriously in any professional media circles.

    Its not about being self-righteous this argument from the posters here and from Gizmodo as well is just pathetic. Its about showing some damn respect. I can completely see it being funny once or twice while people were just on the floor playing around with things, but during a presentation? Really? You don't think people are already uneasy as it is giving a big presentation like that? Not to mention how many hours of preparation goes into these kinds of presentations. This is what High School freshmen do to their substitute teachers to make their classmates laugh, but not some grown adults who are supposed to be professional "journalists." The fact that they are defending themselves as being right and whatever nonsense they are spewing is a joke.

    Theres nothing self-righteous about that, just having respect and appreciating that its not easy to get on a stage in front of hundreds of people and try to present something.

    Being a Senior in College, I have to give plenty of presentations in front of large groups of people, and I would be frustrated with somebody lacking any kind of respect during my presentation. Luckily, I go to a college with other mature and respectable ADULTS, so I have yet to see some little fag boys doing this.

    I can see those clowns from Gizmodo right now at CES getting such a hard-on and giggling with their little butt buddies.

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy diet. rad pitt
  • rad pitt troy diet. rad pitt

  • -aggie-
    Jul 21, 10:56 AM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."

    I know. Damn you, Apple, for giving me a better phone than my 3G!! Damn you!!!

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt workout troy. rad
  • rad pitt workout troy. rad

  • onicon
    Jan 10, 06:39 PM
    like emikshe quoted, woz and steve as well were screwing around a lot in their young days. they even made money from selling devices to phone for free. where are the voices crying for boycott of apple because the founding fathers were evil hackers, keeping poor at&t from making their living?

    if you want to prevent people from screwing with you presentations on tvs, just disable the ir port (via the rs232 console/diagnostic software or by slapping a sticker over the ir port). securing you devices takes at most 2min per device. so let the companies learn from this and don't bash gizmodo like mad.

    who would have complained if it was microsofts demo pcs that got hacked because of some security vounerability?

    brad pitt workout troy. Related: Brad Pitt , Troy
  • Related: Brad Pitt , Troy

  • garybUK
    Mar 14, 06:28 AM
    What is innovation?

    Apple have done a lot since the PowerPC. In fact, especially in the laptop area, Apple were severly lacking in innovation with the iBook and PowerBook. PowerBook to original MacBook Pro, not a lot changed, but let's look at what has changed since the first MacBook to now.

    Apple has found a way of manufacturing beautiful Aluminium cases out of a block of aluminium. During my day job, I work with Dell D-series, E-Series laptops and Macbook Pros. Admittedly, we get less Apple hardware with failure than we do with the Dells, and the 2-3 year old Dells are dropping like flies due to their Nvidia graphics chipsets failing. Last week I had 6 Dell laptops fail and had to replace their motherboards. Which leads me onto another of Apple's innovations. Component layouts. Yes, Apple use the same components as other PCs, they did during the late PowerPC era too (save the processor) and the way they engineer the layout and cooling is just of a much higher quality than Dell, where the parts do seem to be more cobbled together.

    What? Like Sony's Z Series? Quad SSD Raid, 13" form factor, Quad i7, Bluray all in a package like the 13" macbook Pro? Who's innovative?

    Then let's look at 2007. Yes there were Blackberry and Windows Mobile phones around first, but the innovation that Apple made was making smartphones useful to more people. They also helped create an entire new software development industry, in the background they had a tablet, unlike any Tablet PCs, but too hard to make into a product at the time.

    No, Apple sat back, watched the others, cobbled together something (without proper licensing from Nokia) and put it out, that's innovation at only marketing level.

    Apple are great at taking something already there and making it work either in other applications or making the entire package in a way that their competitors just get confused on how to combat. Look at how Motorola desgined the Xoom, Samsung Designed the Galaxy Tab 10, there's something lacking in these designs in the entire packages. Yes they will be great against the original iPad and its original OS, but look at Garageband and iMovie. The iPad is geting powerful enough to be a device to create on. That is innovation.

    iMovie not innovative, Microsoft have MoveMaker on the PC.
    Garageband is a great product and is pretty innovative.

    But you've just proven my point, they don't innovate hardware, they use it to get you into their 'innovative' ecosystem. None of it is really new apart from how closed off it is. One would argue, Monopolistic which if their customer base grows they will need to look out for.... Apple is the Microsoft of the 21st Century (without the Business volumes behind it).

    I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".

    And your also describing only home users and not business users, of which, there are many many millions more.

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout. his
  • rad pitt troy workout. his

  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 07:23 AM
    Can't wait :D

    The Australian store is claiming that the store is busy or to check my connection :confused:

    Aus store is up for me...

    brad pitt workout troy. Five years later Pitt was
  • Five years later Pitt was

  • arn
    Oct 2, 04:32 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


    brad pitt workout troy. Brad Pitt (Troy) Workout
  • Brad Pitt (Troy) Workout

  • KingYaba
    Mar 3, 09:02 PM
    Fines and jail time? What a crock of ****. Negotiate, by all means, if the union pay needs to be cut back to balance a state budget, but this bill goes too far.

    Congress shall make no law prohibiting the right of the people to peacefully assemble....

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt project new orleas
  • rad pitt project new orleas

  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 24, 12:44 AM
    Does anyone out there know where Connect360 saves its log to?? I have the setting enabled for "Detailed Logging (Debug Mode)" turned on but I can't seem to find where it is located on my HD. This would really be helpful since I am not sitting at my laptop 24/7 waiting for this idiot to connect to my network.


    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt workout troy. rad
  • rad pitt workout troy. rad

  • Cromulent
    Apr 12, 05:25 PM
    Apple needs to play catch up by adding some features to OSX.

    What particular features is Mac OS X missing that Windows 7 has?

    brad pitt workout troy. Brad Pitt Workout Troy .
  • Brad Pitt Workout Troy .

  • twoodcc
    Apr 4, 09:36 AM
    well it looks like i won't get any bonus for this bigadv unit i'm working on. my computer keeps losing it's connection (in windows, it disables my LAN connection, and i can't re-enable it). so i then have to restart the computer.

    so i guess it's from the heat. i might have to run -smp 7 on the next one

    brad pitt workout troy. Brad used an intense workout
  • Brad used an intense workout

  • robogobo
    May 3, 05:49 AM
    And your option is...?

    Personally, I'd like to know if the deletion that results from turning off Location Services results in slower response time when you turn it back on. Does turning it back on give you a sufficient download from the mothership to get you up and running again quickly?

    I turn off Location Services frequently for a variety of reasons... battery life, roaming internationally, etc. I'd hate to have this non-issue result in slower GPS every time I toggle Location.

    Bingo, where are the options? This is the thing with the cache. Five bucks says people will be complaining about poor Location Services performance after the update.

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout. rad
  • rad pitt troy workout. rad

  • Timepass
    Aug 1, 12:54 PM
    Denmark, Norway and Sweden are just about the happiest countries in the world. Taking the iTMS away from them ought to knock them down a few pegs!

    Problem is Demark, Norway and Sweden are just the first countries to really crack down on DRM like this but they will not be the last. Pulling iTMS away from them might work right now but think long term. The 3 counties will not be the last to do it. Other will follow suit with the DRM. France will at some point get the laws passed since they are pretty close to DRM set up like that with ones that went though so it would not be much of a surpise to see France force DRM to open up there as well. I could see most of the EU at some point forcing the issue.

    Should apple pull iTMS away from every country that does that. No it will catch up to them and they will just open up to all. Problem is any country the pulled out of they burned those bridges and will have a very hard time getting back in and will more than likely lose a lot of market share long term by pulling that stunt.

    Long term the wises action is for apple to give in and just open it up because those countries are just the first and they most certanily will not be the last.

    brad pitt workout troy. Brad Pitt in Troy.
  • Brad Pitt in Troy.

  • briand05
    Mar 28, 04:52 PM
    That is so crazy it's ridiculous. There is no evidence to support your statement. Mac OS X is not headed towards the "walled garden" universe that everyone seems to freak out over. Apple's just giving people who don't know anything about computers an easy way to purchase and find applications.

    I do agree, however, that by not including applications outside of the Mac App Store Apple is diminishing the value of the award. I believe it is within their right to do so, although I don't like it.

    I honestly wouldn't put it past Jobs. I really believe he wants the Mac to be a walled garden just like iOS.

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout.
  • rad pitt troy workout.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 11:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    How would they acquire the data? How would they know this is a young person they actually want to follow? Couldn't they just follow them home from somewhere? Does the person need to lose their phone for a danger to occur? Does this paedophile need to have a phone with them?

    The tracking that is occurring is by cell tower identification when someone is in range of one. Will the paedophile have access to a spy satellite to zero in on the exact location of an individual?

    I'm still not buying it.

    from the thread on the senator asking for reasons about this someone directly ask you this question below and you seem to be refusing to answer it. It showing you true colors LTD by refusing to answer it. Instead your entire argument is well no argument. You just attack but provide no real counter argument.
    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout and
  • rad pitt troy workout and

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 02:25 PM
    I doubt Lee missed your point; maybe your point is just undefendable. For example, explain how you can prove that adding a bit of content about modern history will somehow force something else out of the curriculum. That there are a finite amount of class hours isn't good enough.

    As we march through history, we have to condense more and more of it into a class. It wasn't that long ago that we added the space program to our description of modern history. Then JFK. MLK. Civil rights. Space shuttles. John Hinckley Jr. Fall of communism. Berlin Wall. Iraq. 9/11. Tsunamis. Egypt. What did these things take the place of or force out of the curriculum?

    Incidentally, when I came through school many years ago, it was mentioned that Einstein was a Jew. It's not irrelevant - it's part of his story and part of who he was. In my classes, it wasn't swept under the rug, but neither was it mentioned "first" nor did it make me want to convert to Judaism. Adding a facet to our understanding of a person in history is not promotion.

    You really don't get that it's not promotion. There is a big swath of gray area between promotion and concealment. The GLBT struggle for equality is part of our culture whether you are involved in it or not. It should be entered into the records.
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
    There is a finite amount of time, the more ways you slice it the smaller the pieces get

    So a gay should see Turing and strive to be as good a mathematician as Turing? Why shouldn't they strive to be the best mathematician there is?
    Everybody stop doing stuff.

    History's all full now.
    Or we can make more time for history
    I don't think you understand the thrust of this law. It's not about creating a separate class on gay rights, it's about incorporating gay people into existing history lessons. You mention Oppenheimer. Unless, I'm mistaken, the fact that he was a jew is mentioned in most history books. The same with Einstein. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a pretty big deal, as were the US internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII. The Act and the camps are pretty self-explanatory. They were directed at a specific ethnic group of people. Gay accomplishments and persecution has mostly been swept under the rug.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he defeated a very disturbed man in an election. But, the fact that he was gay is pretty important.

    The story of America is a story of minorities.

    So the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust are irrelevant?

    Wow, I don't know what to say. People of distinction aren't simply born that way, one's upbringing and the time in which they came of age play an enormous role. Any number of American industrialists were driven by adverse events during their formative years. Those events are almost always touched on. Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.
    In American studies we didn't even mention the Manhattan Project, we didn't cover discrimination against the Chinese, we spent five minutes on the morality of Japanese Internment camps, but we didn't go why they interned them.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he beat Dan White in an election, Dan White resigned the position of supervisor because he felt the salary wasn't enough, but within a couple days he wanted his job back, he blamed Milk for not letting him have his job back and White jumped off the deep end.

    The Holocaust was summarized as the Nazis were evil, they gassed, burned and worked to death lots of Jews, the Nazis were bad m'kay?
    They're not in the records?

    Come on, guy. Does it really matter if somebody were gay? I thought people of a liberal mindset are supposed to be "colorblind" or what have you, yet all of a sudden their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their achievements, should be made an important part of history?

    How hypocritical.
    If you set out the best negro x you have already flunked the matriculation exam for the entrance to the university of integration.

    You do realize that homosexuality is not new and in fact was prevalent throughout ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. It wasn't until Christianity took root and became prevalent that homosexuality was looked down upon. You can thank religion for that (Leviticus 18:22). So in fact, for most of human history homosexuality was seen as no different from heterosexuality.
    Bisexuality was not uncommon, pure homosexuality was still rare and being penetrated was looked down upon because you weren't being the man in the relationship

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy shirtless. rad
  • rad pitt troy shirtless. rad

  • mcmadhatter
    Oct 17, 09:46 AM
    I'm not sure about what you're saying here, because content producers will still be having to supply the same film in two different formats.
    No they won't they can produce their film in whatever format they like because all players would be dual format so it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't even need those fancy hybrid discs

    They'll likely drop the less popular format, and thus, we'll have a winner. This could happen though it is unlikely with dual format drives

    DVD +/- is a writing thing. It's not the same, because people don't care where they get their blank discs from as much.

    When it was going on it was a big thing, because a lot of dvd Players would only Play one type of disc so if you recorded to + and your friend had - they would not be able to play it

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great

    I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful

    External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disk manufacturers disks, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and dvd blueray etc discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.

    brad pitt workout troy. rad pitt troy workout.
  • rad pitt troy workout.

  • kdarling
    Jan 2, 07:52 AM
    The iPhone 4 uses the Infineon X-GOLD 61x baseband processor, which supports HSDPA/HSUPA.

    No HSPA+.

    No LTE.

    I've read that the Samsung Galaxy S phones use the same chip.

    Apr 5, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Is Larry Page retarded? Seriously? Have you heard him speak? I think he is retarded!

    You never go full retard though....but this is dam close.

    Sep 12, 06:06 AM
    Friends aren't post.

    So here we go again, teaching english to our fellow MR members:

    From the Oxford dictionary:

    Receive - (...) "greet or welcome formally"; "be visited by"; or also "accommodate".

    No, friends are not post...:rolleyes:

    Sep 28, 02:27 PM
    I wonder if he's going to rent any rooms out?

    Oct 19, 08:35 PM
    First Scenario: Never. Tiger added very little. Dashboard is nice but the real upgrade was merely Spotlight. Seriously... a little stability here.... fancy features there... nothing special.

    From the Leopard Preview its obvious they have nothing big up their sleeves that they've shown yet. Plus if this was likely they would have multiple huge things.. which guess what.... they don't. Cause if they had tons of great stuff... they would have at least showed us once. Time Machine barely counts as something good since itll probably be a resource hog and Virtual Desktops is nice... but still doesn't seem as nicely implemented as in Linux.

    Option 2: Seems more and more likely as Spring draws nearer. THE BRAND NEW ICAL.... just has a diferent brush of aluminum. And Vista while not changing anything of how XP works, it does change how it looks for the much better. Adds many Applesque touches such as attention to detail, and really does stop a lot of Spyware. I don't see it being amazing.... but it will be good. Based on what they have shown so far... if Vista isn't a resource hog, buggy, and a security risk. It'll beat Leopard. SOrry, guys but really at this point. I could even swallow one of the three for Vista to still win. Leopard is showing a weak showing currently, Jobs better have a A or two or actually 4 up his sleeves cause he needs them.

    Most likely option:

    Same as your most likely option except cut down Leopard down a notch. And see Apple began to stop growth around 7.5% as they are unable to justify the price gap, as new technologies start surfacing earlier in other machines... I haven't seen any hybrid technology or Blue-ray in Apple. Other companies are showing them off. Leopard better be good very good, and Apple better have some innocation in computers up their sleeves like new cases for the first time in what 8 yrs? If they want to beat 10% of the US market. We'll get the bronze by next quarter (beat Gateway) Yet. beating gateway isn't saying much. They create such bad crap, thats just shameful.

    A Toast to the New Finacial Year and many new and exciting (for once) Apple Products.... I mean stuff girls can get excited... not just Intel CPUs. :p

    Nice analysis. Unfortunately I disagree with most of it, as do most of the analysts who write about such things. I do like the fact that you present an intelligent reason for your personal preferences (which these are).

    Apr 14, 07:51 AM
    Not really to keep stuff safe in the event of a robbery, but to keep a few things safe in the event of some other disaster.