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  • JRoDDz
    Mar 26, 10:56 AM
    That video makes me want to go fire up my PS3 :eek:

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  • justin bieber never say never

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 22, 03:22 PM
    I bought an 08 MacBook Aluminum. So No i'm not concerned or care about the upcoming refresh.

    Even so, you could have probably had the 08 Al MB for another $100 off post-refresh.

    It's finally all finished. Put the Craftsman tool chest in this weekend. It mostly hold cable and repair tools for guitars.

    Those toolboxes are quite expensive. Any reason you chose one of those over, say, a plastic rolling cart from Ikea?

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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 14, 02:20 AM
    HD-DVD all the way.

    Why? It has worse specs than Blu-ray...

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  • BB1970
    Mar 22, 04:16 PM
    Like another poster said:

    220 GB
    Thunderbolt (though that won't happen)

    I love my iOS devices, but there's something nice about a tactile, clicking and scrolling player. Especially made out of metal. Yeah, it's dated, and it's sorta of clunky to navigate, but it "feels" real.

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  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

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  • strabes
    Apr 2, 07:15 PM
    "Technology gets out of the way"

    That's why I got a Mac/iPhone in the first place. Get out of my way, Windows/Android!

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 30, 11:23 PM
    My last electric bill was $299 and change! A lot of that was because its been so damned cold (and my little old house has no insulation in the walls), colder and more snow than in many years. Folding uses power but helps with the heating :p now if I could just get those gpu's to glow a little brighter red I could turn off the furnace...

    And congrats to everyone for keeping up and making points!

    Hey, mc68k I might catch up... soon :D

    I wonder if some people have moved to other teams? Maybe they start out with us but find another team that that appeals more to them?? I've thought about jumping to Dawkins team but it would take awhile to get where I am here so I will stay, for now at least :eek:

    dang, that's a big bill! but my $190 is for a 2 room apartment!

    i think some people started to leave or just quit, and then so people thought why stay with this dead team, and then leave also. i'll probably stay with this group, but we'll see

    i love justin bieber wallpaper 2011. justin bieber wallpaper 2011
  • justin bieber wallpaper 2011

  • kdarling
    Apr 23, 09:10 AM
    -- The cache is good

    Let's be clear: the cell/hotspot lookup caching was undoubtedly an innocently added coding feature.

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  • Ashtangi
    Sep 6, 10:33 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?

    People who already have an LCD. If you already have a 19" or 20" LCD, why would you want to replace it with a 17" LCD?

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  • iberroa
    Apr 3, 02:08 AM
    beautiful... :apple:

    i love justin bieber wallpaper 2011. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • ciTiger
    May 2, 06:06 PM
    That's a very nice feature! Too bad it won't work for apps not from the app store...

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 27, 06:26 PM
    This is the $64K question. Does anyone know when the X3000 is due to be released?True, with it the mini is a solid little machine, without it it still lacks graphics. Its coming soon because Intel wants to take away $$$ from nvidia & ati.

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  • andi242
    Sep 19, 03:30 PM

    And I used a Nikon D5000 with 50mm F/1.4G lens. :cool:

    bokeh from hell...
    cant quite figure out how the edges fit around connector area...
    could have been a little more �...

    i love justin bieber wallpaper 2011. i love justin bieber
  • i love justin bieber

  • britishempire
    Aug 7, 05:10 AM
    Blah. I hate that "Vista 2.0" banner. It's like, saying that Leopard is comparable with Windows.

    Also, you can bet that whatever MS release as "Vista 2.0" will be pretty shoddy compared to Leopard.

    Mind you, Vista is looking like Tiger 0.6 or something, so maybe they're poking fun at MS for ripping off so much of their stuff.

    "Leopard - The final nail in Vista's coffin"

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  • justin bieber wallpaper 2011

  • celticpride678
    Apr 2, 01:59 PM
    Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but the kernel under Lion boots 64-bit by default. In Snow Leopard, you had to press 6+4 upon boot to use a 64-bit kernel.

    Was like that in DP1 too.

    i love justin bieber wallpaper 2011. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 24, 09:22 PM
    If Apple's marketing of the Intel Macs is really in high gear then I would have to say seeing Core 2 Duo in highly likely for September.

    During the start of this week I tried to buy a new MacBook or MacBook Pro at Nextbyte computers in Sydney. The Apple guys there told me that all they had left in terms of MacBook and MacBook Pro stock was the floor stock (which I didn't want) they also said that they were expecting a "very big" shipment second to third week of September which is inline with the release of the Core 2 Duo.

    Personally I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in Macs as soon as Apple gets there hands on it

    i love justin bieber wallpaper 2011. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Apr 26, 10:37 AM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 14 million points!

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  • Benjamin
    Mar 31, 06:13 AM
    Please sign it !! For our sakes



    you know that marketshare doesn't matter right? it is just a ratio what matters is that apples stock is climbing to almost 30 and is gaining profit to be yet again a 10 billion dollar company.. however.. if you read this thread, yeah apple is so dying :cough:


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  • stcanard
    Nov 28, 04:53 PM
    Word? Word's being replaced more and more by e-mail. I used to type my notes in GMail and sometimes I write essays in GMail

    You might, but most businesses don't. Look at how many job applications require resumes in MS Word format. Its not the simple letters and essays that are the issue (especially with OOo being so good on import/export) but the complicated documents that come out of managers and product managers. With a resume I ceratainly don't want to risk that their version of word isn't quite compatible with my OOo export, but that's why I send it in PDF since I don't even trust Word.

    Apr 10, 06:00 PM
    Yeah. Being a guy I was raised that it comes with being a male.

    Kind of sucks because none of my friends know how to drive a manual, so if my car was taken for the night no one else could drive. Ditto for long car rides.

    I feel that coupes should be manual and the rest autos, except for 2 door suvs (wrangler, D90). Just my opinion.

    Jan 30, 08:16 AM
    Best handling car i have ever driven.... have a 5 month old little boy though so i think its days are numbered in favour of a truck!

    what a pity :( your car is awesome!

    Apr 3, 09:21 AM
    IMHO, I dislike it. I don't like the guy's voice which sounds phony and overly-reverential. Once you call something you make magical it automatically sucks any magic it may have had out. And the ad is saccharine to me. I generally hate Apple ads but enjoy their products.

    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Whether buying or renting, I hope these movies will be better quality than the current videos on the iTunes Music Store. I wouldn't pay a dime for a video that wasn't at least DVD quality.

    It's good that iTunes is gaining more features that will help keep it ahead of Microsoft.

    Apr 12, 09:56 PM
    I wonder if they'll update the whole studio suite
    (yes, including DVD Studio Pro I hope. Maybe they'll rename it Media studio and make it output DVD's, Blu Ray, maybe even interactive Quicktime files )

    My thoughts exactly!. As a owner of FCP 7 (and the rumord price drop for FCP X) How much will the upgrade cost? Price speculation time!