cake boss pictures

cake boss pictures. hired the Cake Boss.
  • hired the Cake Boss.

  • quagmire
    Jan 3, 02:10 PM
    Still have the 2007 Saturn Aura XR. I think it will be the only car I will ever drive because after 4 years, it only has 20,000 miles on it. :p

    cake boss pictures. the cake that won Valastro
  • the cake that won Valastro

  • archurban
    Nov 28, 10:17 AM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.

    cake boss pictures. In the Kitchen: Cake Boss
  • In the Kitchen: Cake Boss

  • milo
    Aug 29, 09:16 AM
    Yeah, imagine that. Their top-of-the-like 64bit full-tower quad-core workstation and their bottom-of-the-barrel consumer-model have wildly different specs!

    Which would be fine...if there were a model in the middle. It's like a car company selling a huge SUV and a tiny two door car, with nothing in between.

    cake boss pictures. reality show, #39;Cake Boss#39;
  • reality show, #39;Cake Boss#39;

  • rtjstevens
    Sep 7, 05:11 AM
    this surely is good news. but i wont be watching movies on my current 'pod...the window is too small. all this being dependent on wether or not it's gonna be available in the UK. it's a real bummer not to be able to download TV shows i love like you americans can!

    This can easily be done with the excellent Miglia TV Mini with the latest EyeTV software -it even has an ipod button on it!


    cake boss pictures. cake-oss-cupcakes.jpg
  • cake-oss-cupcakes.jpg

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 28, 07:02 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 14 million points!


    cake boss pictures. Cake Boss bakes for Bliss
  • Cake Boss bakes for Bliss

  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 09:18 AM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here ( which is actually on May 16th.I do not consider a minor speed bump to be a refresh.

    cake boss pictures. Cake Boss Couture Cake
  • Cake Boss Couture Cake

  • yg17
    Apr 11, 02:26 PM
    IMO, if a gearbox has a setting where it will automatically shift gears for you and you don't have to touch it, it's an automatic gearbox.

    Sure, some auto gearboxes (DSG) are better than others (torque converter) but they're still automatic.

    cake boss pictures. Buddy The Cake Boss
  • Buddy The Cake Boss

  • rxse7en
    Nov 29, 03:48 PM
    Its outputs are HDMI and component video. It is designed for HD content.

    I learned to drive on a '79 RX-7. Brilliant automobile.

    Would be cool if it could upscale streaming video to 1080i at least. I may forgo the iTV if there's ever a solution to stream vid from the Mac to the XBox 360 though. I must say, the 360 is a great piece of hardware at it's current price point. As others have pointed out, would be nice if the iTV supported 1080p over HDMI.

    I loved my first car--'79 RX7 and have had several since. My current one is a heavily modified '91 Turbo II. Hopefully we'll see a 4th gen 7 some day.


    cake boss pictures. Remy Gonzalez of #39;Cake Boss#39;
  • Remy Gonzalez of #39;Cake Boss#39;

  • ngenerator
    Sep 14, 08:57 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I lol'ed, how is this not a larger story? Wth is going on today?!?

    cake boss pictures. I love watching Cake Boss and
  • I love watching Cake Boss and

  • leekohler
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    cake boss pictures. Cake Boss is centered on Buddy
  • Cake Boss is centered on Buddy

  • Tonsko
    Jan 6, 05:57 AM

    Sorry...didn't realise the pic was so large. thought the forum might resize it. Here's a smaller version. Anyway. My beloved .:R32 :)

    cake boss pictures. Episode of TLC#39;s Cake Boss
  • Episode of TLC#39;s Cake Boss

  • hellomoto4
    Apr 1, 12:32 AM
    New mute image:

    cake boss pictures. but Cake Boss on TLC
  • but Cake Boss on TLC

  • daveporter
    Nov 18, 08:27 PM
    Multiple cores are useful for more then improving the processing of multiple threaded applicaitons individually.

    Multiple cores are very useful when you run more then one application at a time as long as the operating system is able to allocate core use to more than one application at a time (as OSX does quite nicely). Therefore, with multiple cores, you will get better performance for each application when more then one applicaiton is run at the same time.

    When Intel multicore processors are used (as in the Mac Pro) which support hardware virtualization, you can run software (such as Parrallels Desktop) that lets your run additional operating systems (such as Windows, Solaris, and Linux) concurrently with OSX at near full native speeds since one or more cores are used for OSX and one is used for each of the virtual operating systems.

    Therefore, multiple cores are still useful even if many of the applications you use are not highly multithreaded.


    cake boss pictures. The Cake Boss crew thinks
  • The Cake Boss crew thinks

  • skinniezinho
    Nov 27, 11:30 AM
    I can get it for $65 from Swatch. I'm not sure where else I can buy it in the US. I like it, but I'm not sure how good it looks in person. I'm not sure if I am a fan of those glow in the dark hands either.

    It looks better in person than in pics..the size is just "perfect" at least for me...

    cake boss pictures. cake-oss-cake-nj-gov-christie
  • cake-oss-cake-nj-gov-christie

  • aaps59
    Feb 7, 04:24 PM
    2005 LR3 SE, mountain road in Northern New Hampshire

    cake boss pictures. Diana Eng on Cake Boss
  • Diana Eng on Cake Boss

  • MasonH
    Apr 2, 11:04 PM
    When Apple has their Quarterly press conference expect the iPad 2 to list 4+ million or more sales with back orders in the millions.

    The return rate of all Apple products, across all of their hardware lines are lowest in the entire industry.

    The iPhone 4 fiasco had a return rate half of that of the iPhone 3GS that everyone loved.

    iPad return rate is at 2%:

    Look to that being at or lower for the iPad 2.

    Ummm - the reason probably is shown on the 1400 post "light bleed" thread. People WANT the thing bad so they don't "return" it... they get it "swapped". Quite a few people over there are on their 4th to 5th swap
    (which boggles my mind frankly) in a search to get one with no bleed.

    They all seem to have it to varying degrees but I have to hand it to Apple for (so far) not claiming this is "in spec" to shut down all these

    Apple probably lists all these as "exchanges" and therefore they don't count as "returns". Makes the customer happy and makes them look good in the press. Everybody wins.

    Towards the end of the huge thread over at people are being told the same thing from the reps when they call... that Apple "is looking into the qc issue on this batch of iPads and hopes to resolve the issue". That's good news for everybody.

    cake boss pictures. Cake Boss picture gallery
  • Cake Boss picture gallery

  • aswitcher
    Nov 27, 01:19 PM
    Digi have such a poor track record I doubt this but if Apple can do something new with a 17" (inbuilt isight, portrait mode swivel, higher def than 1280x1024) then I might go nicely with the mini.

    cake boss pictures. out with quot;Cake Bossquot; Buddy
  • out with quot;Cake Bossquot; Buddy

  • Chaos123x
    Apr 12, 10:02 PM
    $299 are you out of your mind?

    cake boss pictures. cue up Cake Boss on your
  • cue up Cake Boss on your

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 20, 01:59 PM
    Or has never driven a Lotus.

    The Lotus had a pretty poor shift. Such long linkages back to the gearbox. The MX-5 (Miata) in the US has one of the best shifts in the world. I've never driven anything with a better shift feel than that. So direct (because the lever is directly connected to the gearbox).

    Feb 22, 05:33 AM

    Apr 2, 07:05 PM
    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Jan 12, 12:47 AM

    Let's just keep it simple. Here are the two things that are in the air:

    1. WIMAX type wireless for MacBook Pros
    2. The ability to sync your iPod and iPhone without a cable

    Mar 28, 07:58 AM
    That'll be the day.

    I think our young friend should be allowing his computer to do even more FOLDING@HOME.

    Jun 22, 11:58 AM
    I wouldn't mind an iOS-type OS on an iMac as long as it had some more features of a full-fledged desktop OS. As in:

    -Multiple Users
    -Some kind of file system
    -More apps of a creative side (ie movie editing, word processing, programming, etc.) instead of just media consuming apps

    Note: this list is not exhaustive; there are many more features I'd like that I just can't think of at the moment.

    Plus, some games/apps will need to be done, specifically those that need the accelerometers. I don't think people would want to swing around a 20/30 pound computer. But that would be a good way to make more money; people keep breaking them so they'll have to pay for repairs/new ones.

    Who wants to be touching a vertically standing screen all the time, that's tiring!

    Maybe this is why we didn't see OS X 10.7 info because it might include support for this...

    I was actually hoping to see a completely new mac Pro with new very high res screens and wireless trackpad.

    I doubt 10.7 will be such an overhaul. Probably more like Mac OS X 11.0 or a totally new naming scheme.