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  • 485Mbe4001
    11-03 06:34 PM
    short answer Nope
    a) because immigration is not high on Obama's agenda.
    b) the economic downturn will be used by the the anti's to thwart any measure to help us
    c) We are still very low on everyone's plate, democrats will want to get the illegals and all will use us as a pawn.
    d) The trend is that the right will become hard right and left will become hard left...wait and watch.
    the guys who will post bad comments, please remember that i had posted something similar when the democrats got majority and we have multiple threads singing the lords praise and showering flowers. It will be politics as usual.
    We need lots of active members to make ONE strong case and keep hammering away at the lawmakers, instead we get a daily dose of self motivated threads which divide the already small group into smaller groups ((petitions, cases, class actions, EB3 Vs EB2, masters Vs 'grand'Masters etc:rolleyes:) .

    Do you guys think this 2008 election will have any impact on the immigration process?

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  • dingudi
    03-09 03:34 PM
    Circumvent a visa does not = with the fact that one's H1 visa petition is pending for long and uses AP to re-enter. There is nothing wrong with this. Entering on AP instead on H1 is not 'circumventing visa.' Once he receives an email that his H1 can be issued, he can go back, get h1 and re-enter without any issues.

    Please go through the following thread. This is recent:

    Please note ravel's experience with consulate in regards to travel on AP in case H1b visa is pending. This is coming straight from VO at the consulate.

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  • bipin
    03-18 02:45 AM
    I worked with a desi consulting company Since Aug 2006. I moved to that company with my current project with the promise of faster GC process. My PERM was approved in Nov 2007, so missed July 2007 filing. I had to leave for India for few months due to an urgent personal issue and came back in April 2008. So I didn't work for 5 months (Nov 2007 - Apr 2008). When I came back he couldn't find any project for me and I realized he was a small company (The company was in NJ and I'm in CA). I found a job on my own in May 2008 and since I realized I'll be in trouble with him again I moved to another consulting company. Since he didn't pay me for 5 months and to prevent me from complaining against him, he said he'll take care of I-140. He said there was an RFE in Mar 2008 and he responded back. He told me it was on my W2 and I asked attorney and he also confirmed it. I didn’t get a copy of I-140 receipt, but I got the receipt number when it was applied.

    And he cancelled my H1 in Aug 2008, though it was valid until Sep 2008. I asked him about this and he said, it's Ok now since I transferred the H1 and he'll not withdraw the I-140. Since I could successfully transfer my H1 w/o paychecks, I decided to leave those behind and move on with my life.

    I applied my PERM with this new company in May 2009 and it's not yet approved. In Sep 2009 I saw my I-140 was approved with my previous employer and I called him and he never responded back. Then I saw his website also went away. Looks like he closed the shop.

    Now in Feb 2010 I saw my I-140 status as withdrawn. This is the worst thing he could do and I'm mad! This is my 8th year in US and I used my I-140 number to extend the H1 and now it's due in Apr 2010 and I don't have a valid I-140 number (my PERM was applied with the new company in May 2009) and it's short of 20 days for 365 days past, I'm in BIG trouble!

    I was taking care of all immigration expenses (H1 Fee, H1 & I-140 Attorney Fee). He made free $$$ from me for 15 months. But he was smart enough not to leave any proof that I paid for these expenses!

    So I've two issues now to take care of.

    - To extend my Visa
    - And to sue my ex-employer for screwing my life. Since It's one year past since my H1 validity with him (H1 was valid until Aug 2008) Can I complain against him to get those 5 months bench salary or the statutory limit is over?


    The timeline for you to help me.
    On Bench with ex-employer Nov 2007 - April 2008 (5 months)
    H1 transferred to new company in May 2008
    H1 was valid until Sep 2008 with ex-employer, cancelled it in Aug 2008

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  • arrarrgee
    07-17 02:20 PM
    Its actually Her...:) Murthy is a She

    Screw Murthy !!! I have never seen him picking up any good news.


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  • Neocrack
    04-19 11:31 PM
    I had the same situation:
    1. On the application form list your parents name as you want it. They will print the new name on the renewal passport. (I was not asked for any additional documents)

    2.To add your spouses name on the passport you will have to give a copy of the marriage certificate and your spouses passport as part of the application form (I had applied in person).

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  • h1techSlave
    04-21 09:31 PM
    DL is essentially controlled by individual states. In MD they just give you 5 years irrespective of the visa expiry date. Only thing is that you need to have I-94/EAD + a visa (expired is fine). I have recently extended my MD drivers license thru mail.

    In VA, I heard they would give only until the expiry of the EAD/H1B.


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  • aadimanav
    12-28 02:06 PM
    NSC Dec 2007 Processing Times says:

    "..The processing times shown below are for applications that have just been completed..."

    In the table it mentions "April 24, 2007" as the date for EB based 485 adjustment applications.

    Just for one sec assume that above date is right. What does "processing completion" of your 485 means? Does that mean your case is pre-adjudicated and waiting for the visa number and you won't get any RFE?

    Also, when they are mentioning "April 24, 2007" date , are they ignoring the applicants who are stuck in namecheck process for years? If a person has filed 485 in 2005 or 2006 but stuck in namecheck, how come 485 is completed?

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  • EkAurAaya
    03-19 09:46 PM
    I think you need to talk to the CPA for tax and not lawyer....

    This came from a real estate lawyer... usually they know what they are talking about. But you are right, wont be a bad idea to run this by a CPA


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  • webr
    01-24 04:29 PM
    In 2010 - around 20K visa is issued in EB2 and around 3K in EB3...

    Does anyone know the exact demands for each year from 2005 ,2006,2007,2008, 2009 ,2010,2011 -- then it will give clear picture .

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  • hemya
    12-10 12:59 PM


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  • imm_pro
    08-15 05:33 PM
    Couldn't resist opening a new thread and sharing this with fellow IVians.

    We got our green cards today. It is actually green (in the back).

    Another announcement is that I recently relocated to northern Mississippi. Would like to join up with other state chapter members. I am willing to coordinate with the group in Memphis TN.

    Thanks IV. I and my spouse benefited a lot from the July 2007VB and the work IV did concerning it. So, I will do more than just stick around but continue to be active as usual. The system is still broken and we will have to work to fix it.

    Hearty Congratulations..and please continue to support IV

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  • Dipika
    11-25 12:43 PM
    Hi, is anyone planning for H1b stamping at Tijuana mexico on 30th November. If so, please contact and we shall plan together. I am in LA area. Thanks!

    Did you last stamped in Tijuana? Because Rule is just changed.
    You can have H1B stamping in Tijuana, only if you had last stamped in Tijuana.


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  • mhathi
    03-23 10:57 AM
    I had put in undecided at this time or something like that

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  • ssingh92
    06-11 03:26 PM
    I know and understand once receive GC why you want to be here. Just a request. Think about whoever left and forum and Please donate something before you leave this forum and site for good.


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  • ghost
    02-07 10:54 AM
    Thanks for the update !
    I am watching this... looks pretty interesting :)

    and by this time all of you must have heard that Sen. Schumer is reaching out to Sen. Graham and Sen. Murkowski and other stakeholders to revive the legislation....please support IV lobbying plan in the first week of April by your presence or contribution or spreading the word! These things don't happen out of the blue - there is a strategy and methodical approach to everything IV does!

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  • MannyD
    10-03 02:32 PM
    I can't imagine why people do not want to give whatever I-94 they had collected between two trips out of US. NOt sure of the rules, but the common procedure is to surrender original I-94 AND the ones you got with each H1B. I haven't heard so far that I-94's not returned gained monetary value on ebay or people could use them for anything else. For me, I see surrendering all of them as one ( or some) more document(s) not to worry about.

    I feel returning more than one I94 carries its own risks. Who takes it from you? - The airline representative who simply rips off these and shoves it in a cardbox box. By some chance if the newer I94 is overlooked by anyone and a older I94 that also surrendered is entered in your immi records, I'm sure you'd rue that day! Yes, keeping a copy of that I94 is good, but why not prevent the issue at POS?

    Gurus, is there any requirement to surrender ALL I94s?


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  • madaram
    08-09 11:25 AM
    pls read what sensenbrenner has to say.

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  • asanghi
    01-24 11:43 AM
    I just can't believe how many times this topic has come up, and yet keeps coming up.

    We have had long heated discussions on this topic many times, and always come to the same conclusion and that is to push for filing I-485 without visa availability. This topis has so oft debated, there is no merit in kicking it up again.

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  • americandesi
    04-06 01:31 PM
    Refer and search for

    "It is also important to understand that the green card approval will be reviewed at the time of the naturalization interview. For employment-based cases, this means inquiries into how long the individual worked for the employer after obtaining the green card. If the period is extremely short, there may be questions about the bona fide nature of the green card process."

    As suggested by "Optimystic", any time between 6 to 12 months should be ok.

    03-09 05:56 PM
    Nice dream but come to reality, dont even dream of GC till year 2019...... (if it goes in current pace).

    07-05 07:29 PM
    I would suggest a hand gun. A .22 caliber is more than effective if it is a deterrent that you are seeking. The .22 does not have much range, but it is very small and has no recoil.
    A 9mm like a Glock is a little advanced but will need practice to use as it has quite some recoil. A .44 desert eagle or Magnum is going over board. You can go to a gun show near you so you can see and feel and learn all about guns before you go to a gun store.

    Please follow all legal rules when buying/owning and carrying a weapon. Please get trained well at a local shooting range. You can find information about a shooting range near you and about safety training at NRA (

    A study shows that in the event of a confrontation with gangs etc it is more likely that you will be injured or die if you pull a gun as opposed to not pulling one.
    So do your home work and make an educated decission. Make sure you buy a safe for keeping the gun in your house especially if you have kids.Never keep the gun and the rounds together. If you are going to pack, make sure you go to your local police and let them instruct on how to carry a concealed fire arm. You will have to carry an empty gun in the glove with the rounds in the trunk for example.

    Finally my post is in no way advising you to buy a gun or use it. A disclaimer to cover my rear end. If you have any specific questions about gun models I can advice you if I know. I am a member of the NRA and has been using guns in sporting events for many years.

    For self protection.

    However I have no clue about Guns... I am thinking about asking the Gun store owner and get more info about them.

    For me Guns are like a computer is to my 90 years old Grandpa!