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  • eastindia
    05-14 02:15 PM
    Many blame immigration pressures for young man’s suicide - The Boston Globe ( icide/)

    MARLBOROUGH � In the grief-stricken search for answers, one thing was clear: Gustavo Rezende had hit a wall. He had dreamed of joining the military, getting a driver�s license, and becoming an American citizen.

    But the 19-year-old Brazil native was in the country illegally, a hard fact that put his dreams out of reach.

    At Marlborough High School, he was popular, a talented artist. Then his friends went off to college and Rezende stayed behind, stocking bottles of soda at a sports complex. He got into trouble with the law and feared deportation to a country he hardly knew.

    On March 4, weeks before Rezende�s 20th birthday, police found him hanging from a tree in the woods near his house, next to Marlborough District Court.

    The stunning public act, within sight of court clerks and commuters, has shaken a community and triggered an anguished cry for help from his family and friends, who believe Rezende killed himself in despair over his immigration status.

    �He always said, �I�ve been here 11 years and I have no rights. . . . I have no right to a driver�s license, no right to continue studying, I have no rights to anything,��� said his mother, Deusuita, weeping on her couch, near an array of photographs of her son. She added, �I don�t want what happened to my son to happen to someone else.��

    Immigrant groups have invoked Rezende�s death in the heated debate over illegal immigration. They have increasingly been pushing for Congress to pass the Dream Act, federal legislation pending since 2001 that would allow immigrant youths to apply for legal residency if they arrived in the United States before they turned 16, lived here for five years, and enrolled in college or the military.

    �The story about Gustavo Rezende is one of the most compelling cases for immediate federal action to end suffering in our communities,�� said Kyle de Beausset, a 24-year-old activist who said he met last Sunday with Senator Scott Brown to urge him to support the legislation.

    Others say Rezende�s death should not factor into the debate, since nobody can say why he took his own life. Though friends and family said he often worried about his immigration status, he didn�t mention it in a note he left at home saying where they could find him.

    �It�s exploiting the dead,�� said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, which favors stricter controls over immigration. �You can�t second-guess that stuff because suicide is not a rational response that you can somehow adjust policy to address.��

    Colin Reed, a Brown spokesman, said the senator confirmed the meeting with de Beausset and would review the Dream Act. Reed said Brown told de Beausset that he favors streamlining the process for legal immigrants but remains opposed to amnesty for those here illegally.Continued...

    Health care workers say suicide is usually the result of more than one issue, such as undiagnosed depression, mental illness, or drug and alcohol problems. But, they say, undocumented youths may be at greater risk because they are ineligible for many programs that might help them.

    Rezende, nicknamed �Goose,�� was born in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso and came to the United States when he was 9 with his parents and younger sister on visas they later overstayed.

    In 2000, his mother applied for legal residency through work � she cooked for a Brazilian restaurant � but was denied, she said, because her boss was underpaying taxes. She vowed to continue trying, though her marriage ended because her husband wanted to go back to Brazil.

    �The kids didn�t want to go,�� she said. �They liked it here as if it were their country.��

    In Marlborough, a small city of tidy houses centered on two scenic lakes, Rezende grew from a chubby boy into a fit and charming teenager who loved to draw, listen to music, and hang out with friends. He and one of his best friends, Kyle Hedin, planned to open an animation company someday.

    During most of his schooling, Rezende did not face questions about his immigration status because a 1982 Supreme Court ruling allows undocumented students to attend public schools. But that protection ends after high school, making him ineligible for financial aid for college.

    Even before graduation, Rezende felt the pressure of his family�s predicament. He helped his mother clean offices at night, leaving little time for homework. He fell behind in school. When he was 17, police were called to his house after he argued with his sister and punched a hole in a door.

    After he graduated in 2008, he tried to find work at a supermarket and fast-food restaurants � but most turned him down because he didn�t have a green card. Finally, through a friend, he found work at an ice skating complex. He also got a part-time cleaning job.

    Kyle Hedin said Rezende wished he could have the same opportunities as his former classmates.

    �He always said, �These kids go to school. They go to college, and they complain about it and they don�t do anything worthwhile,� �� Hedin said. �He was saying he would trade shoes with them in a heartbeat.��

    In February, Marlborough police found Rezende trying to change a flat tire, while allegedly intoxicated. Police arrested him on misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence and driving without a license.

    The March 17 hearing in the case weighed on his mind. He had been caught with a fake driver�s license from Brazil, and his mother said he feared he would be deported.

    He had talked about suicide in the past, including in the weeks before his death, according to friends and the police report filed after his death.

    �He had a hard time asking for help for himself,�� said Jane Hedin, Kyle�s mother. �That�s what�s heartbreaking. . . . He had so many friends he didn�t reach out to. Everybody loved him.��

    Mario Rodas of the Student Immigrant Movement, an advocacy group, said immigrant youths often fear deportation if they talk about their problems. The group regularly holds support groups to help the students.

    �We tell them not to give up,�� Rodas said.

    Two days before he died, his mother said, Rezende couldn�t sleep. He was nauseous and called in sick to work.

    The next day, his grandmother arrived for a visit from Brazil, the first time he had seen her since he left in 1999. In the early evening, Rezende hugged his grandmother, kissed his sister, and left the house carrying a rope, according to police, saying only that he �needed it.��

    Police found him the next morning about 150 feet into the woods, in a tree he used to climb, a dusting of snow on the ground.

    About six weeks after his death, Rezende received a letter from the US government telling him to register for the draft. It wasn�t a mistake: Federal law requires that all men ages 18-26 register with the Selective Service System, including illegal immigrants who cannot serve in the military, said agency spokesman Patrick Schuback.

    Registering could help illegal immigrants if they ever apply for legal residency, he said, because it would show that they followed the law.

    At home, his mother clutched the letter and wept.

    �If that letter had arrived before, he would have been so happy,�� she said.

    Maria Sacchetti can be reached at

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  • BharatPremi
    12-08 11:17 PM
    And no one can dare to put a price on tension, mental torture through which most are going through. To any one that is the biggest saving and so one should move forward for donating. So please respect the funding request from IV family for respecting yourself.

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  • jsb
    08-31 03:00 PM
    jsb thanks.

    Basically what this all tells me is that there is no motivation from USCIS to clear things up. They like things muddied so that they can define the processing date either as Received or Notice or Receipt as per their comfort. :)

    No. They believe they are working their best. Think of an assignment received by your company's Headoffice on July 2, 07, but it came to you to work, on Oct 11, 07. If you are to provide periodical progress, what will you call your Receiving Date of assignment? Oct 11, 07.

    Processing Centers provide their monthly progress report to be published. They treat the date when they, the centers, (not the USCIS mail room) received, as the receive date, which is close to the Notice Date. Hence the confusion. If you ask them if they use ND sequence, they will confidentally tell you that they use the receiving date for sequencing their work, which to their belief is true.

    Logically RD on your receipt should be used. Even if some senior guy at USCIS decides and instructs centers to process cases in that order, can they do it. No, as their sorting of cases is in order they (the centers) physically received them. It will be too tedious to re-sort tens of thousands of cases manually, particularly when mailroom RD is nowhere other than a stamp on the file, and as manually entered info on your receipt. Many follow up documents don't even mention that date, or even PD, as they are not part of the system information. Online info also shows some date close to ND as "your case was received on...".

    There is a motivation to use up visas by Sep 30, as bosses question if they don't do that. But if they don't give visas in order of priority (whatever it be), no one questions, as it is difficult to prove someone to be wrong, or to correct even when something is proven wrong.

    Bottomline is that the whole process translates to Luck.

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  • MeraNaamJoker
    09-17 10:32 AM
    Thank you for your responses.
    My situation is different, since my 485 is not yet approved (PD Dec 2006 EB2).
    Company A applied for my GC (140 approved and 485 filed in July 2007), but I have never worked for company-A. I had been working for company-B during all these on H1. However I am now with company-C for last 6 months using EAD.
    I have never done the AC-21, since my lawyer said that is not required since I was with company-B and did not change jobs in between.

    In my case, company-A is not closing down, and I am willing to work for them after 6 months or so.

    My question is are there any risks in my 485 in this context?
    Should I be moving to company-A to reduce any risk?

    Would appreciate your responses in this.

    Again the issue here will revert to the topic of SHAM EMPLOYMENT.

    Either you should be working for the sponsor company or file AC21 and port out the process. That helps you to be on the safer side.

    Even after filing AC21 two and half years back, my original approval notices went to my original GC sponsoring company's attorney's office.


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  • vikasw
    07-17 07:10 PM
    Thank you IV for your hardwork and dedication on this.

    $ 50 from me.

    Payee Amount Deliver By Confirmation
    Number Action

    Immigration Voice
    Vikas wadhwani(vikasw) $ 50.00 07/24/07 6QZ0Q-0Z4V0 Edit

    Pay From: MYACCESS CHECKING-6830

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  • Hope_GC
    05-21 06:28 PM
    Good Sense of Humor :)

    July 2009
    July 2010
    July 2011
    July 2012...or

    By the way things are moving backwards, We will be awarded GC posthumously in a Rose Garden Ceremony by the President (who will be my son since he was born here and eligible to be come President. He will be contesting elections in 2060 under 'American Nava Nirman Sena' Ticket).


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  • mangelschots
    07-26 03:16 PM
    IV core-

    Should we lobby Cornyn to break this into two amendments.. one for unused visas.. and other for increasing the number of H1's. I think we have lost out on many occasions because of H1 increase request. I am sure proponents of H1 increase by this time will understand this request.

    given CIR's debacle, anything increasing visa quota is a dead end. Nobody will touch it. I'm not saying it is a good idea, but it will guarantee a failure.

    I suggest sticking to 'technical correction', stuff nobody cares about. Recapturing unused visas can be sold as just doing what congress mandated but bureaucrats were unable to pull off. The US public has no problem bitching about incompetent government agencies.

    It is a different thing to convince everyone to let in even more immigrants that there already are.

    Forget the H1-B quota increase, nobody will touch it.
    Technical corrects may still be possible. Keep the debate as technical as you can. No emotions erupt from technical debates. People will react like 'who cares - I don't understand what you are talking about'

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  • snathan
    09-01 12:55 AM
    Hoping to get your opinion on my situation.
    I am an Indian citizen, working in the US on an H1B, moving to Spain on a resident visa. My current US employer wants me to continue working from Spain. However, my Spanish visa doesn't permit me to work for a Spanish company, and my US employer doesn't have an office in Spain so they can't apply for a work permit for me. They do have Indian offices, though.
    What are my options here? Some of the avenues I am exploring:
    a. The company's Indian offices hire me as an external consultant and pay my Indian bank account. I declare my income in India and pay taxes in India, even though I reside in Spain.
    b. The company (US or India) hires me as a Spanish consultant and pay me in Spain.
    c. Any other opinion

    I would greatly appreciate your opinion on my situation, or any references you can give me that I can discuss this with.
    Thanks very much for your help.
    - Sharada

    I couldnt understand this...Your company is Indian and have office in US. They want you to work for Indian/US company but they want you to move to spain when they dont have any office.


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  • Michael chertoff
    08-22 10:31 AM
    Some Idiot fool gave me red dot with this comment "It is not a joke, the original poster is serious"
    that idiot didnt realise that I was serious too.


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  • mzafar125
    10-29 02:12 PM
    All u require is
    - take the EAD cards
    - take some ID like drivers license or passport
    - fill this form

    Thats it....


    I was just reviewing the form, we should select " Legal Alien Allowed to Work" on the SSN application form if we have been issued the EAD card right ? All we need to take along with us is the valid EAD , drivers license, and foreign passport. Do you know how long it takes them to process the SSN.

    Do we have to wait for the SSN to apply for a job or can we start working once we have the receipt stating that we have applied for the SSN.



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  • purgan
    11-11 10:32 AM
    Congratulations on getting the attention of the Times, and your tireless efforts in spreading word of the broken legal immigration system.


    New York Times
    Immigration, a Love Story

    WHEN Kenneth Harrell Jr., an Assemblies of God minister in South Carolina, invited Gricelda Molina to join his Spanish ministry in 2000, it didn’t take him long to realize he had found the woman he had been waiting for. On the telephone and during romantic strolls they talked about their goals, their commitment to God and how many children each would like to have. Six months flew by, and he asked her to marry him.

    “She’s a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit, very gentle, very sincere,” Mr. Harrell said. But Ms. Molina, a factory worker, was also an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, who had crossed into the United States twice, having once been deported. Mr. Harrell, the pastor of Airport Assembly of God church in West Columbia, said he was not too concerned. “Whatever came, we would walk through this path together,” he said.

    Mr. Harrell and Ms. Molina, both 35, married in 2001, in a large wedding attended by family from both sides and blessed by pastors in English and Spanish. But the Harrells no longer live together, not because of divorce, but because Mrs. Harrell, now the mother of two sons and four months pregnant with their third child, has been deported. She had applied for legal residency, or a green card, with her new husband as her sponsor, Mr. Harrell said, but she was sent back to Honduras 20 months ago because of her illegal entries and told she would have to wait 10 years to try again.

    “Illegals are pouring over the border,” said Mr. Harrell, who has visited his family five times. “We meet them, we fall in love with them, we marry them. And then the government tears your family apart, and they take no responsibility for letting them in, in the first place.”

    Falling in love and marching toward marriage is not always easy, but a particular brand of heartache and hardship can await when one of the partners is in this country illegally. The uncertainty of such a union has only been heightened by the national debate over illegal immigration. Whether the new Democratic leadership in Congress will help people like the Harrells remains to be seen.

    It is hard to quantify how many people find themselves in Mr. Harrell’s situation, but with stepped-up enforcement in recent years, deportations have increased, and so have fears of losing a loved one in that way. (There were 168,310 removals in 2005, compared with 108,000 in 2000, immigration officials said.)

    And that is only one byproduct of love between two people with such uneven places in society, immigration lawyers say. Many relationships strain under the financial burden of hiring lawyers for what can turn into years of visiting government offices, producing pictures, tax records and other evidence of a legitimate marriage in the quest for legalization. And while instances of immigrants faking love for a green card are in the minority, according to immigration officials, some couples feel pressure to marry before they are ready, hoping that marriage will prevent a loved one’s deportation.

    Raul Godinez, an immigration lawyer in Los Angeles, said: “I ask people, ‘How much do you love this person? Because immigration is going to test your marriage.’ If you don’t feel it’s going to be a strong marriage, I wouldn’t do it.”

    Many people may still believe that obtaining legal status through marriage is easy, because of periodic reports of marriage scams. In a three-year investigation called Operation Newlywed Game, immigration and customs enforcement agents caught more than 40 suspects in California for allegedly orchestrating sham marriages between hundreds of Chinese or Vietnamese nationals and United States citizens. But such fraud occurs in only a minority of cases, federal officials said.

    In reality, immigration lawyers said, marrying a citizen does not automatically entitle the spouse to a green card and is only the first step in a long bureaucratic journey. The lawyers noted that changes in the law in the last five years have made this legalization path increasingly difficult, one worth choosing only if true love is at stake. (Other routes include sponsorship by immediate family members or an employer.)

    The Harrells said they had no idea how difficult it could be and were shocked when Mrs. Harrell’s application for permanent residence was turned down, leaving them only 12 days to prepare for her departure. In that time, Mr. Harrell said, they decided that the children, now 4 and 3, would go with her. So Mr. Harrell obtained passports for them, and the church held a farewell service.

    “It was very traumatic,” he said. “Our whole world was crashing around us.”

    In Yoro, in north central Honduras, where Mrs. Harrell and the children live with her parents, she said the older boy constantly asks for his father, begging, “Let’s go to my papa’s house.” She has coped with her own dejection, too. “I know how much work he has over there,” she said by telephone. “He needs his wife.”

    But even in the best of circumstances, when an immigrant enters the country legally, couples may have to rearrange their lives and defer their dreams.

    Paola Emery, a jewelry designer, and her husband, Randall Emery, a computer consultant in Philadelphia, said they delayed having children and buying a house for the nearly four years it took the government to complete a background check for Mrs. Emery, who had entered the country from Colombia with a tourist visa and applied for permanent residency after they married in 2002.

    Mrs. Emery, 27, said lawyers advised them it was not wise for her to risk trouble by visiting her close-knit family in Colombia and then trying to re-enter this country. She said she was absent through weddings, illnesses and even the kidnapping and rescue of an uncle.

    “I felt like I was in jail,” Mrs. Emery said.

    Officials with the Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Homeland Security Department say that delays lasting years are rare, but some immigration lawyers say they see clients who wait three to four years for security clearance. Mrs. Emery and her husband, 34, sued Homeland Security over the delays, and she was finally cleared last May. By then Mr. Emery had helped form American Families United, a group of citizens who have sponsored immediate family members for immigration, and which advocates immigration-law change to keep families together. Immigration Services officials say they are not out to impede love or immigration. Nearly 260,000 spouses of citizens received permanent residency through marriage last year, out of 1.1 million people who became permanent residents, according to the Immigration Services office. “The goal is to give people who are eligible the benefit,” said Marie T. Sebrechts, its spokeswoman in Southern California. She said the agency does not comment on individual cases.

    When a legal immigrant is sponsored by an American spouse, she said, the green card can be obtained in as little as six months. But with complications like an illegal entry, laws are not that benevolent, Ms. Sebrechts said. In those cases, the immigrant usually must return to the home country and wait 3 to 10 years to apply for residency, though waivers are sometimes granted.

    Such obstacles are far from the minds of couples when they meet. And for some, so is the idea to question whether the beloved feels equally in love with them.

    Sharyn T. Sooho, a divorce lawyer and a founder of, a Web site for divorcing couples, said she has represented American spouses who realized too late that the person they married was more interested in a green card than in living happily ever after. “They feel conflicted, used and abused,” she said. “It’s a quick marriage, and suddenly the person who was so sweet is turning into a nightmare.”

    But more often, said Carlina Tapia-Ruano, the president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, couples marry before they are ready because “there’s fear that if you don’t do this, somebody is going to get deported.”

    Krystal Rivera, 18, a college student in Los Angeles, and her boyfriend fall into this group. Ms. Rivera is set on marrying in April 2008, even as she worries that it may put too much pressure on the relationship.

    “I never wanted to follow the Hispanic ritual of getting married early,” said Ms. Rivera, a native of Los Angeles whose parents emigrated from Mexico.

    She said she fell in love at 13 with a Mexican-born boy who sang in the church choir with her. “He started poking me, and I said ‘Stop it!’ ” she remembered.

    Ms. Rivera is still in love with the boy, now 19, who was brought into the country illegally by his mother when he was 12. He goes to college and wants to become a teacher, while she hopes to become a doctor.

    But for those plans to work, Ms. Rivera said, she needs to help him legalize his status. She said she has witnessed his frustration as he dealt with employers who didn’t pay what they owed him or struggled to find better jobs than his current one as a line cook. Because of his illegal status, he is unable to get a driver’s license or visit the brothers he left in Mexico. “We want to be normal,” Ms. Rivera said.

    The Harrells, too, have decided to take charge. After months of exploring how to reunite the family and spending thousands of dollars on lawyers, Mr. Harrell has decided to leave his small congregation, sell his house and join his wife in Honduras. He will be a missionary for his church for a fraction of the $40,000 a year he makes as a minister.

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  • smuggymba
    10-18 03:13 PM
    My wife's on EAP (OPT), which is valid till next year and will be going to texas DMV tomorrow.

    any exp with texas DMV about giving DL to EAD OPT holders?


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  • help43
    09-12 09:58 AM
    Please advise on what documents that i need to submit for H1-B amendment

    1) Previous employer Paystubs
    2) Offer letter from new company...
    3) Previous I-94
    4) I-20 ...

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  • newbee7
    07-05 01:05 AM
    From 07 report:

    Case Problem Processing
    1. How to Submit A Case Problem
    The Ombudsman�s website,, provides detailed information on how to submit a case problem:
    First, please write a letter or use DHS Form 7001, which was accessible on the Ombudsman�s website as of June 6, 2007. If writing a letter, please provide the following information in the order below to assist in identifying your case.
    � For the person with the case problem, please provide the person�s: (1) full name; (2) address; (3) date of birth; (4) country of birth; (5) application/petition receipt number; and (6) �A� number;
    � The USCIS office at which the application/petition was filed;
    � The filing date of the application/petition; and
    � A description of the problem.

    Finally, please mail your case problem, including your dated and signed letter and copies of documents relevant to your case inquiry, to either of the following addresses:

    Via regular mail:
    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    ATTN: Case Problems
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Via courier service:
    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    ATTN: Case Problems
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    245 Murray Lane
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225


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  • anandrajesh
    02-06 10:35 PM
    How (when) do you decide that you will take EAD or stay on H1B? Can you change your mind or it is a one time decision?

    Do you have to mantain status (pay checks) on EAD? I understand you need to mantain status on H1B?

    Sorry I am a moron.

    It is purely upto you to decide what do u want. If u r planning to stick with the same company that has your H1B, then no need to pursue EAD option. But if you are planning to get out of your current company and pursue different opportunity, then you can use ur EAD.

    No matter what the status(H1B or EAD) you are in, you need to be employed in the same position or a similar position as in your Labor Certification. If your Labor Certification says you are a Programmer you cant be a Project Mgr in EAD. Till you get your GC, you are compulsorily married to your profession and title.

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  • sam_hoosier
    12-11 02:50 PM
    I have hired as an "Auditor" in 2002, which is also the title of my position in my LC. If I use AC21 for AUdit manager, which is considered to be in the same occupational classification, will it be a problem? My salary will probably be double of what is on the LC application.... your thoughts are appreciated..

    I heard that a major change in salary with regards to AC21 can be a problem..and the the title "manager" will always excite IOs ...for RFEs...

    Did you check the job code for Auditor vs. Audit Manager ? 2x salary differential could be a problem.

    You should consult a lawyer.


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  • lostinbeta
    10-21 10:18 PM
    Um, I don't know anything about that. I just heard that he left because he wanted to do other stuff.

    Poofiness..... ummm..... airbrush tool :P

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  • glosrfc
    10-22 11:00 AM
    When I was a kid, I built a tree-house with the tops of some discarded collapsible tables. I really can't imagine trying to do the same with CSS.

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  • ameryki
    10-02 11:06 PM
    murthy just sent out this info in his newsletter that went out today.

    Delayed EADs - Ombudsman's Suggestions to Expedite

    The current regulations on Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) require the USCIS to adjudicate EAD applications within 90 days. As many are aware, this does not always occur. The problem is compounded by the fact that it is no longer possible to obtain interim EADs at the local USCIS offices. Information on this matter was included in our previous article, available on MurthyDotCom, Interim EAD Problems at USCIS District Offices (Dec 14, 2007). The first CIS Ombudsman, Prakash , began making efforts on this matter that are continuing through the current CIS Ombudsman, Michael Dougherty. The Ombudsman's office released updated suggestions on September 19, 2008, for individuals who are experiencing EAD delays.

    Option 1 : Call the NCSC

    It is suggested that an individual first call the USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1.800.375.5283. It is important to note the date and time of the call, as well as the name / number of the person who answers the call. It is possible to explain that the EAD has been delayed beyond the 90 days permitted for processing, and ask for a "service request." This is supposed to result in issuance of the EAD or some other type of response within a week, according to the Ombudsman's update. Alternatively, it is possible to ask the customer service representative to request the EAD. This, too, should result in either receipt of the card or some other type of response within a week. The Ombudsman's update refers to the interim EAD, even though this is no longer issued by the local offices. At the Murthy Law Firm, it has been our experience that the requests described in the update primarily have resulted in the issuance of standard EADs.

    Option 2 : INFOPASS Appointment

    If the EAD has been delayed beyond 90 days, then it is possible to make an appointment at the local USCIS through the INFOPASS system. At that appointment, it is possible to request the EAD, even though EADs are not actually issued at the local offices. The local office should review the case for eligibility, and then forward the request to the USCIS service center where the case is pending. This should also result in a response or EAD issuance within a week.

    It should be noted that, while the one-week estimate may be a bit optimistic, we at the Murthy Law Firm have found that this approach is generally successful. Our recommendation is to make the appointment a week or two in advance, for the 91st day after filing. The reason for this is that local offices often have waiting times for appointments and if one waits until the 90th day to make the appointment it may result in more delay while waiting for an available appointment time. As with the call to the NCSC, it is best to document the date and time of the appointment, as well as the name of the officer.

    Option 3: Contact the Ombudsman if Other Options Do Not Work

    If an individual has completed both options 1 and 2 above, and the EAD has not been issued, then a third option is to eMail the Ombudsman's office at It is necessary to include the dates and times of the call to the NCSC, as well as the officer's identification information. Corresponding details on the INFOPASS appointment should also be provided.

    08-28 10:28 PM
    Dude, if your profile is genuine, that does indicate something - my PD is also Nov. 2005, EB3-I. Both of us got 1 year EAD instead of attorney called USCIS and according to the attorney they (USCIS rep) couldn't tell them the reason for 1 year EAD.......asked me to do infopass!

    trust me the ead situation is not consistent across the board. it is totally up to the IO assigned to the filing. but if you think its promising I truly hope you are right. do keep us posted if you find out more.

    01-24 04:38 PM
    Yellow Admin Review is usually TAL (Technology Alert List) check. This kind of makes sense with your Chemical background. This is usually faster check compared to other types (like name-check). This used to take 21 days, you are around the same timeframe.

    Hello experts,

    I had my h1-b interview in Toronto on January 4, 2008 and got 221g yellow for administrative review. I called DOS one week ago for processing status and was told that name check is on pending. I called DOS today and was told that security check is on pending. Could you please let me know usually how many checks the DOS will do? How long the security will be done?
