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  • GCVivek
    04-10 01:18 AM
    Almost all visitors from most countries need to appear for visa interview before coming to the US. As for the question about the student niece, there are more formalities. DS-160 is the least of them. School must approve and issue a SEVIS form, you have to show lots of documentation to show you can financially support the student or she has funds. I know because I have my niece here who i have sponsored but she is in community college. I suspect for 8th grade to be even more strict. Check with US consulate for requirements of interview in your home country.

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  • payur
    03-10 07:37 AM
    I guess I should agree with Jerrome because I am going to India 2 weeks from now and My friend who recently had been to India mentioned the same. I have asked the same question to my immigration lawyer, I will post it when I get a reply.

    In mean time I have another question, My flight is from Chicago to Delhi, but I have to take a loacl flight from Miami to Chicago, all my international baggage check in's are at the Miami. My question here is should I surrender the I-94 at Miami since I am doing all my International baggage check in's or should it be in Chicago.

    Please let me know if anybody had this situation.


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  • piyushpan
    04-07 05:05 PM
    Yes i think so. You need a U.S degree for stamping.(H1)

    My wife changed from H4 to F1. Do you know if she can get stamping in Canada for F1?

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  • paskal
    06-11 12:04 PM
    here is your stupid thread.
    now stop.
    if you want to help yourself, get active. otherwise please slink back into your hole. i have answerd your question in this thread too:


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  • kirupa
    08-20 12:36 PM
    Hi cakewalkr7!
    For your first question, the reason is that when animating, the height of an element is not what gets changed by default when you use the adorners. A RenderTransform with ScaleY changes instead.

    What you want to do is set the actual Height property to 0 on the properties inspector at a given keyframe. That should give you the effect that you want. Here is a small XAML snippet that allows you to do that:

    <Storyboard x:Key="Storyboard1">
    <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="grid" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(FrameworkElement.Height)">
    <SplineDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.5000000" Value="0"/>
    <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="FrameworkElement.Loaded">
    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Storyboard1}"/>

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
    <Grid Height="100" Background="#FFF5FF00" x:Name="grid"/>
    <Grid Height="100" Background="#FF00B3FF"/>

    For your second question, there isn't an easy way to do that without writing code. This tutorial should help: What you would vary is the Storyboard.TargetName, and that would point to the appropriate Grid that you are interested in animating.

    Let me know if that helps or if you need more info.

    Kirupa :)

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  • pmpforgc
    04-26 09:24 PM
    Completely agree with the point that you are trying to make here. Since the time I have been here, each year I have seen my juniors/friends come to U.S. on h1b visa/F1 visa/h4 visa., pretty excited and having a rosy picture of their future, completely unaware of the mess that we are in. This reminds me of the time when I came here few years ago, absolutely unaware of the green card backlog and the filing process. If I knew then what I know now, my life would have been completely different. Each year, thousands of Indians enter US on h1b/F1 visa, each(or atleast most) of them hoping to have a smooth transition to green card, ignorant of the terms " labor" "PD" "Retrogression" etc. when they do realize the meaning of these terms and their impact on our lives, they get a rude shock. It is unfortunate that people with PD of 2002 (in EB 3 india) are still waiting for their GC 8 long years after applying for it!!Imagine the plight of the youngsters entering U.S. now,who will apply for GC under EB 3 say in 2011 or 2012. Would it be a 25 year wait for them and are they ready for it?

    I think when I came I was just worried only about my F-1. Though I later on get H1 and GC.


    I Dont think there are much issues in maintaining our NON-Immigrant visa (except you want to play the system with consultant jobs etc.)

    IF WE CHANGE MIND AFTER COMING HERE(and decide to stay PERMENENTLY, totallly differnt from our ORIGINAL OBJECTIVE OF COMING HERE)that should be OUR problem.

    But while coming here we were exactly knowing we are coming here JUST TO STUDY OR TO WORK. I think if you are arguing against this prior knowldge you are fooling your self.



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  • chanduv23
    02-25 04:11 PM
    Is it referring to any USCIS docs? Has any lawyer ever warned about this? Has green card been revoked for people who had to quit jobs? Does this website point to any valid link?

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  • Aah_GC
    03-01 05:25 PM
    the fact that there were so many EAD applicants through June/July - the workload will be very high on USCIS so everyone will file at the earliest ie proposed 120 days prior to expiry.

    Good Point. Guess I should get my act together too.. So can somebody give me some information on what I should do to get an FP appointment on Infopass website?

    Here is where I am -

    Make Your Appointment with INFOPASS -> "Please select Kind of Service you need"

    I have these many options - which one should I choose?

    1. You need Service on a case that has already been filed

    2. You are a new Permanent Resident and have not yet received your Permanent Resident Card

    3. You want to file an application in person

    4. You need information or other services

    5. You need a form


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  • orangutan
    10-04 03:57 PM
    Good, USCIS is working on saturday for you. You are lying again like you did for your visa?

    finally approved... got magic emails this morning :D:D

    How does one go about canceling the pending EB2-NIW i-485 (possibly get the money back... will be glad to donate it all to IV :D:D)

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  • nandakumar
    03-17 01:58 AM
    It is a great achievement. Congrats to the core team and all the volunteers who contributed. There is a Tamil proverb meaning, "little rain droplets make a huge river". Each of our small contribution would definitely give us financial strength to put forth our case with the US congress & Government.

    let us keep the spirit.

    For the past one week I posted more then 50 fliers in many of the apartment communities in my neighborhood and also sent lot of emails to friends and groups & forums in my company.

    I did receive few disappointing comments on our effort but ignored and continuing my effort.



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  • HereIComeGC
    04-11 11:03 AM
    I called (First time in last 4 months) to TSC using POJ method to check how they are trying to process cases. I know it was a futile attempt but wanted to try my luck regardless.

    Guess what? When you can't get through right away (which is never) you get put on hold in queue. Instead of background music you would get with any other wait in queue system - the message kept repeating every second - "Your estimated wait time is between 10-15 minutes"...

    It annoyed the heck out of me and I hung up rather than hearing the message over and over again.

    Since I have not called in past few months, I do not know if this is how it always worked or is this a recent change. As far as I recall, they did have background music which made it a little bearable to wait 10 minutes.

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  • xela
    11-20 09:10 AM
    [QUOTE=PavanV;1128388] That said, i believe charity begins at home, one must take care of its own kith and kin before extending arms to others.

    Now here is what you first said in your post before you edited it, this is what I got in my email:
    " Being emotional is OK, but one must be pragmatic. If one wants communism please head to China. "

    So you send me to China just because you did not like what I said.
    Now how do you think the Chinese here feel about your oh so nice comment.
    Really all I was trying to say is by talking the way he did above we dont make things better we just make it worse.

    And guess what you saying charity begins at home, well then how can you blame the Americans that do that for being racist (oh lets not forget only against Indians because you are the only ones here from a foreign country)
    ,...they are not seeing it as that, they are just doing what you said putting themselves first and forgetting about the fact that a lot of us have been here for a long time built lifes had kids and that it is hardly fair to send us "home" now. Or about that some of us would open companies. Someone in need for food for their family does not think clearly they are emotional and scared!
    Talk to them and about them with compassion and you might just turn the way they think. I have done so many times.

    I am not saying what they do is right, but what you 2 said here isnt the way to go either in my opinion, you can go ahead and crucify me for it, thats fine. But I rather say what I think than sit there and be silent.

    And in the end my message was mostly about the "it s all always against Indians" theme that seems to be so prominent lately....Do you really think you are the only ones and the rest of us doesnt count....well thanks for that.


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  • m1801b
    09-10 01:28 AM
    Currently on H1B 8th year extension which will expire on 25th June, 2009.

    Labor PD: 9th August, 2004
    Labor cleared: 11th September, 2007.
    I-140 (approval pending) filed on 4th October, 2007. Received at USCIS on 5th October, 2007.
    Can�t file for I-485 since the EB3 date for India is unavailable.

    There is a high chance that I might be laid off at my current employer in the next 2-3 weeks.

    Can I transfer my H-1 upto June 25th, 2009 (or later) as well as start a new PERM case in EB2 category?

    In case of the above H-1 transfer, will the new H-1 be valid for 1 year from the filing or will it be upto 25th June, 2009?

    What are my other options not to go out of status or leave the country?

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  • Jaime
    09-15 06:26 PM
    People need to understand that there are some legislators who might want to push legislation favorable to us. They can only do it if they can convince other legislators who are on the fence that:

    1) A lot of good people are affected by this. (legal,peaceful,high skilled etc) The crowd there(YOU) on Tuesday will speak to this.

    2) They mean business, if we do not act they might leave and we need to act NOW to keep them here.(if many thousands of them can come from all parts of the country, they must be serious)

    3) These guys have the support of their employers.(they got/took/were allowed time off from work)

    Now in these points, can you see how a friendly lawmaker can use a big successful march to convince his colleagues? This will be like a massive tonic to all the lobbying IV has been doing behind the scenes.
    Last year when hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants took to the streets did you see the impact on legislators? One big difference here is we are legal. That will leave a more powerful impact if it is big.

    This is a small price to pay, and it will help you tremendously to speed up the green card process. Lets show solidarity. Every one of us who goes to this will feel proud of the change we manage to bring. If this makes the national media in a big way, I am virtually certain we will get a favorable resolution to our issues. A lot of forces are with us here. Just look at the 13 governor signed letter. Just look at how hard the big high tech. companies are pushing this.

    Well said!!!! An image is worth a thousand words! We ca write all we can and complain on here, but an image of thousands of peaceful protestors will stic in people's and legislator's minds, who will then be moved to action! THAT'S WHY WE NEED EVERYONE IN DC!!!!


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  • gc_on_demand
    06-02 02:44 PM

    I've already completed my 6 yrs on H1, have my 140 approved, applied for extension and got it (before 6 yr expiry). The extension has been approved for 3 years.

    Now -- I need to change employers as my employer is asking me to become full time from consulting.

    2 questions:
    1. Can I use this extension to change employers?

    2. Can I start the GC process with the 140 priority date? (Feb '08)?


    PS: I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.

    if your employer ( who filled I 140 ) revoke I 140 then chances are there that you may get RFE while H1b transfer. You need good lawer advise. Also there is gray area for porting PD if I 140 is approved and revoked.

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  • walking_dude
    08-03 09:12 AM
    If Priority date is 'Current', you can't apply for H1 extension!

    I know someone whose H1 is expiring soon. He wasn't able to apply for H1extension till July 31st as PD was current. He is applying in August in Premium.

    What happens if someones PD remains current ( say someone in 2000 stuck in FBI namecheck) and GC is stuck! Is it EAD all the way to the end thereafter?

    What do you mean by infinite? Only till your PD gets current. After that 1 year extensions.


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    03-26 04:01 AM
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    2.Support almost all kinds of DVD to iPod format
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  • gc_on_demand
    06-06 12:39 PM
    I had 1 year contract for employment and I was not paid regularly. Also they were deducting money for health insurance which I didnot receive.

    So I left company and they didnot pay me money. I had one year contract or 10000 USD fine.

    iI donot work for them since 2005. I have time sheet signed by client and email from vendor to confirm that they paid my money to employer.

    Can i go to labor and complain ? Will they ask me to pay back 10k ?

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  • ssdtm
    03-22 01:02 AM
    My EB-3 priority date is 10/17/2004 Non-PERM. My I-140 was filed in May 2007 and is approved in Aug 2008. Meanwhile I also filed for I-485 for me and my spouse (thanks to DOS Visagate June 2007 event)

    I am also on H1B 6th year. Looking at the delay in the EB3 I am contemplating if there is any risk in filing for EB-2.

    ---- No risk in filing in EB2

    Since I came into US in 2003, I moved up in the company ranks few times and am in managerial position. Am I eligible for interfiling my GC case to EB2 without losing original priority date.

    ---- Yes you are. It is not only your qualifications that matter but Job MUST demand all those qualifications + exp to justify EB2. Many cos do not file in EB2 even if you are PHD because job does not need that.

    Another way is file the EB2 485 in CP. I was told by a reputed lawyer that interfiling is not the only way to use earlier PD.

    Is it mandatory that I should be eligible for EB2 criteria (like 5 years experience or Post Grad Degree) as on original Priority Date for interfiling to work.

    ---- There is lack of clarity on this. I have read lawyer opinions on both sides.

    Any advice is appreciated. I will initiate it in our company. Also any potential risks and RFEs I should expect?



    08-03 09:43 PM
    Bump ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    04-29 03:13 PM
    No, you cannot show that period as experience. Moreover, by doing so you will be saying that you have been working during that period which would be illegal while on H4.