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  • ChaosAngel
    Apr 2, 11:44 AM
    Hi all,

    I'm currently testing Mac OS X Lion (as a Mac Dev), but I’m interested to hear peoples thoughts on how they think it will compare to Windows 8. For those who haven't seen, a lot of Windows 8 information has already been leaked.

    In my opinion Windows 8 is already looking very good and although I’m loving Mac OS X Lion, I can't help but think that the advantage OS X used to have over Windows is quickly being eaten away.

    Personally, I really hope Apple have some big new features in Lion that they haven't yet revealed (maybe waiting for WWDC?).

    Thoughts? :apple:

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  • mrgreen4242
    Jan 15, 02:26 PM
    To stick with Steve's 4 main points:
    1) Time Capsule is pretty neat, not a terrible price for what it is, either.
    2) iPhone software looks pretty nice. iPod touch update is a travesty against all mankind... I think Apple is seriously underestimating the backlash this will cause.
    3) The ATV updates are nice, price drop is decent, but not nearly enough for year old hardware with no upgrades. Software only update means HD content will be 720p24@5mbits which is pretty OK but not what I would have liked to see. 5.1 finally.
    4) Macbook Air: stupid, stupid name. Crazy insane pricing, especially when you add the SD, ethernet, remote, and modem (you really should have all those in the box at $1800). Who's going to be buying this thing? It's just so targeted at a very specific market that I can't see it being a huge success.

    As for stuff that DIDN'T get talked about:
    - No desktop updates at all. I predict Apple getting out of the consumer desktop market in the next 2-3 years. No more iMac or mini.
    - No tablet. They could have done a <$1000 multitouch 9" iSlab tablet thingy that would have been as light and thin as the Air and actually revolutionized something, but... shrug.
    - iTunes subscription. Now that they have a self destructing DRM scheme in Fairplay I expected a subscription for TV shows, at least.

    All in all, unexciting, really.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 1, 10:07 AM
    I seriously don't understand why people and countries have a problems with Apple's DRM???? You don't have to buy from iTunes and if you do, you know the limitations of that download. If you don't like it, buy elsewhere... iTunes is hardly a monopoly... besides, wouldn't you rather have the CD so you can rip it into a lossless format, have the CD sleeve, etc.???

    I've purchased a lot off of iTunes and then I bought an Archos PMP. Ya it sucked that I couldn't play my iTunes music on there without burning it to CD and re-ripping it, but so what! I knew what I was getting when I downloaded from iTunes so I have no right to bitch.

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  • gnasher729
    May 4, 08:14 AM
    Those that use the analogy of their home internet connection not restricting use...well...that's just it... your T&C there does not restrict devices and use. Not the same thing. As for you gas analogy, again not the same thing. You have no contract with Exxon on how you use your gas. If Exxon made a contract with you to use the gas only in the car that purchased would be the same. You could then decide to buy it or find another source (carrier).

    Since you mention fuel, you can use the same fuel to heat your home or to drive a car with Diesel engine. In Europe, there will be a _huge_ difference in tax. In some European countries, farmers can get tax free or low tax diesel fuel for use in their tractors and other farming machines. You can safe a lot of money by using this low tax fuel to run your car. You will also get into an awful lot of trouble if you get caught doing it.

    In my opinion, and that of Websters dictionary, I have an unlimited data plan, therefor I already do pay for it.

    Oh if only I had the dough, I would sue AT&T into the ground. A decent lawyer and fair judge would find against AT&T for the use of the word unlimited and their unfair anti-consumer practices that have followed.

    AT&T can do whatever it wants, but it NEVER should have used the word unlimited, because theyve opened themselves up for failure in a future lawsuit. Someone will do it.

    Whatever plan you have, AT&T will calculate the average cost of users on that plan, add some profit, and that is what they will charge. People on "unlimited without tethering" use less data and cost less money on average than people on "unlimited with tethering", and therefore are charged less. You basically want to get rid of the two different plans, only one plan "unlimited with tethering" would exist. The average data usage would be higher than for those on the plan without tethering, the average cost is higher, so the charge will go higher. In other words, cost goes up for people who don't tether.

    I don't give a damn. If I pay for a chunk of data, it isn't up to the provider to dictate how I use my data. If I want to syphon fuel out of my vehicle for use in another, that is my decision not Exxon's.

    If you go to an "all you can eat" buffet, you can't take food for your wife and six hungry children.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    Last time I checked, it didn't take material wealth to have good character or to be exposed to it.

    So, no excuses then?

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  • sergedg
    May 4, 05:27 AM
    Does anyone know the name of the apps for the ceo and for the doctor ?

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  • gugy
    Sep 26, 11:16 AM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.


    so true.
    This forum is mostly visited by whiners.
    So many people wanted the MPB at a photography event. what a joke. they did not get it and now all the crying.
    Basically you have just to ignore these folks if you want to have a nice experience at Macrumors.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 11:34 AM
    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.

    His entire comment was in a joking manner, but that part he meant. :p

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  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 05:22 PM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!

    Those who bought the 5.5g ipods lately probably are going to feel bummed.

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  • amin
    Oct 11, 10:37 AM
    Don't get your hopes up too high, since the iPod's screen is the same resolution as the Zune, it has better battery than the Zune and its thinner than the Zune.

    A bigger screen than the iPod's would be preferable, even without an increase in pixel count. A 320x240 video on my iMac display is far easier on the eyes than a 320x240 video on my iPod when both are set to the same brightness. Why? Because the iPod display is too damn small for long-term comfortable viewing.

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  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 12:03 PM
    I would prefer the cheaper and more effective way; profiling.

    Also, you can't say security has been working well-- look at the number of incidences of things going through security accidentally via negligence (knives, guns, etc)-- while there's no official numbers, the anecdotal evidence is quite moving.

    Actually, there is documented evidence (which I'm not going to look up, because it supports your contention). The TSA does publish numbers (though buried deep in their reports) on the number of times undercover agents are able to slip weapons through security on training/testing runs. The number is quite high, if you look at it in a "Sky is falling way". But that is the incomplete picture.

    Suppose, just for argument's sake, you actually have a 50/50 chance of slipping something through security. Is that "good enough" to mount an operation? Consider that there are at least a dozen people involved, to support just one operative. You can try to separate them into cells - but that doesn't mean that they are entirely hidden... it just gives them time to try to escape while their links are followed. Plus, there is a lot of money involved.

    Do you risk those 12 people, plus a large chunk of scarce resources, on a venture that only has a 50/50 chance of getting something onto the plane. (we haven't even considered that most bombs on planes lately have not gone off properly, eg. shoe bomber and underwear bomber)... or that if the intent is to forcibly take over the plane there might be sky marshall - or just a plane load of passengers who are not going to sit idly by.

    So you try and reduce that risk by making the plan more "fool proof" and sophisticated - but this adds complexity ...and complex things/plans breakdown and require more resources and more people. More people means adding people with doubts, and the chances of leaking. Plus more resources, which brings attention to the operation. And as you add more people and resources, the "downside" to being caught gets bigger, so you try to reduce that risk by making it even more "foolproof".

    If you are one of the 12+ people supporting the operative, and you have a 50/50 chance of being caught and spending a very long and nasty session in jail - even before you get your day in court - and you have no chance of the "ultimate reward" .... don't you think you might start having doubts, and talking to people? Sometimes the wrong people?

    I don't buy for a minute all of the stories of traffic cops stopping a car for a routine check and finding "bad things" that were going to be used. The intelligence services have, imho, a pretty good idea of what is happening in these groups, and use these innocent looking traffic stops (and other coincidental discoveries) so that their undercover agents aren't suspected.

    That is the value, imo, of the security checks. The barriers are are high enough to get the "bad" operations big and cumbersome, and to make the plans too complex to escape notice by the authorities. It's the planning and organization of getting past the security checks that the authorities are looking for. Once that "bad thing" is in the airport, the authorities have already lost most of the game. Then the security screening is just a last ditch attempt to catch something.

    The real danger is the single lone-wolf person with a grudge, who hasn't planned in advance, and doesn't really care if they get caught. They have a 50/50 chance of getting through because the only security layer at that point is the security checkpoint. The intelligence services will not have picked them up, nor will the no-fly list incidentally.

    .... all of this is just mho, of course..... read the later john lecarre though, for more chilling details....

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 19, 09:44 AM (

    Gartner has released preliminary market share ( numbers for 3Q 2006 (calendar, Apple's financial 4Q) which show Apple seeing substantial industry growth at 1.5%. Apple now ships 6.1% of all U.S. "PCs", 4th in the industry behind Gateway (6.4%), HP (23%), and Dell (32.1%). Apple did not place in the top-5 in worldwide PC shipments, so that data was not available.

    Gartner notes that the overall U.S. PC market actually experienced a 2% decline year-over-year, so that coupled with Apple's announcment of a 30% growth in Mac shipments last quarter ( helps explain the dramatic growth.

    "Two factors that contributed to the poor performance in the U.S. market were continued weakness in the professional desk-based market, and the carry-over effect from strong sales in the second quarter. Strong sales to the home market, fueled by solid back to school sales and mobile PCs could not offset the decline in other areas." -- Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst for Gartner Dataquest’s Client Computing Markets Group.

    Apple indicated yesterday that while reaction to the Mac Pro has been positive, the professional community may be holding off until an Intel-native Creative Suite ships (expected spring 2007 ( On the flip side, a recent article in a Princeton University newspaper ( indicates that Apple is indeed doing very well in the growing education market.

    Recent research ( has indicated that Apple is poised to grab even more "switchers" this holiday season, which promises to translate into even more market share.

    Of interest, Dell has consistently been losing market share to rival HP in both U.S. and Worldwide markets, and HP took the #1 spot on the Worldwide market with 16.3% compared to Dell's 16.1%.

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  • Jetson
    Oct 12, 10:15 AM
    The reason I posted my concern about the scratches on the 5G iPod is because I'm a longtime Apple customer. I was one of the first to buy the iPod when it came to market. I love Apple products.

    However, Apple has responded to this scratch issue very poorly. Apple won't even acknowledge that there is a problem, blaming scratches on customer abuse.

    Well when you start blaming the customers, then you are definitely on the wrong road. Customers who are not enamored of Apple (don't own a Mac) will switch to the Zune. If you can't understand the basics of how the market operates, then I can see why you are taking potshots.

    SavMan hasn't provided any reference or link to support his claim, true or not, physics or not. His claims are anecdotal. Second, whatever the cause of the proliferation of scratches which have generated many, many complaints, denying that scratches exist is foolish, indeed stupid.

    If Apple wants to keep its iPod cash cow, I sincerely hope that they address the scratch issue. There is serious competition on the horizon (Zune) and you can't take the customer for granted anymore.

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  • Macky-Mac
    May 4, 09:31 PM
    Please explain to me what my guns and my doctor have in common....

    The NRA. I am a member, have been a member for over 20 years and am proud that there is an organization that exists to fight for my right to own firearms. I don't agree with them 100% of the time, and at times have been disappointed in them, but am glad they exist.

    Also, 99.9% of the doctors I have been to ask questions that are pertinent ONLY to the reason I am there for a visit.

    so you're in agreement with the NRA in supporting this law saying doctors should be prevented from asking about guns, and possibly loose their medical license if they do ask?? :confused:

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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM
    Yeah. Steve, using is Powerbook G5, is here reading all these messages having a good laugh at all of our excitement.

    How did that make it into this thread too?! :mad:

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 06:34 AM
    Nekbeth, I'm looking at the code and I'm thinking you still don't quite understand what NSTimer is and does. You keep track of "Elapsed" using 2 implementation scope global variables :

    NSInteger seconds = 0;
    NSInteger minutes = 0;

    However, grepping for these variables, you never reset them back to 0 aside from their initial initialization :

    $ grep -e minutes -e seconds ATimerViewController.m
    NSInteger seconds = 0;
    NSInteger minutes = 0;

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  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 10:58 AM
    Tablets don't even redefine computing at all anyway. It's all the same it's always been. A device that takes input, processes it according to a set of instructions, and outputs a result or provides storage.

    That's the basic definition of a computer. iPad, iPhone, Macbook, Xserve, Mac Pro, they are all computers. You use them to input data, process it, store it or output it to an output device (printer, screen).

    To think there's some kind of paradigm-shift going is simply having your head in the clouds.

    For programmers, nothing has changed, we're doing the same thing with the devices people in the 1970s were doing, albeit, with more refined output capabilities and different input devices.

    For server admins nothing has changed. These thin/fat clients are still needing server architectures to drive them and still use the very core Client/Server model for most of their servers. Heck, moving things "into the cloud", just means more power on the server backend and less in the client. That means more infrastructure to manage for us server guys. :D "Cloud computer" is just another way of saying "Client/Server" model and the 60s called about that, they want us to quit renaming their concept.

    For "desktop support" people, nothing has changed. Devices have to be imaged with the software the customer needs, it needs to be configured and that configuration needs to be managed. It needs to get hardware service when broken. It needs software support for when things don't really work right or for when the user needs a live person "manual" to reference.

    Heck, I'd go so far as to argue even for users, what really changed ? iPad is a big e-mail, web, facebook, gaming device. PCs/Laptops have been this for these people for the last 10 or 15 years. They are doing the same thing on tablets that they were on laptops. There's no paradigm shift at all, just a different format. It would be like calling laptops a paradigm shift when they came out.

    I think there will be a change in computing, and tablets are the future of it. I do think servers/ power machines will remain, but I can see them becoming specialised (such as in power stations etc). I can see Linux filling that whole perfectly. I do feel that tablets/ touch based computers are the future, but I think they need voice recognition software to truly come into play for text input. If the iPad had a killer voice recognition software, then MS Word for iPad might truly become a game changer. As good as any touchscreen is, typing 2,000 words on a touchscreen would be a bit of a push.

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  • nim81
    Mar 13, 04:46 AM
    While Symbian might have been first, I was talking strictly about iOS vs Android as that was what the poster hinted at.

    Backgrounding certain tasks is fine, and yes it works well even though it's not a replacement for multi-tasking. What I hate is the task manager they came up with that is near useless since it doesn't actually give you a list of running tasks. It's a list of everything you've done with the phone, in like ever. You need to manually clean it up and even then, you don't know what is and isn't running.

    I wasn't talking about design and updates. More like the marketing effort and the stagnation between said spec bumps. They marketed the crap out of the Rev A, then it just fell out of sight. Same for AppleTV 1st generation.

    But thanks for assuming and correcting me on something I didn't mention or hint at. Real classy.
    Honestly I think Apple got the multitasking almost spot on... the way it manages it is perfect for a device with limited battery/processing power.

    In the last 6 months I've "fixed" two phones for people (1x Android, 1 x Symbian) who've installed an app that's running constantly in the background and making the phone unusable to the point they thought it was broken. I used to find it with my own Nokia N95, the multitasking ability was excellent but you had to be careful what you left running or the battery could run down in a few hours.

    I think Apple have made an excellent trade-off in that way, it used to bug the hell out of me that I couldn't use sat nav or internet radio apps in the background, but since iOS 4 I've really not found any situation where I need "true" multitasking and the current implementation has little effect on the battery.

    That said, I agree with what you say about the task manager, it feels really clunky. I don't know what would be the best way to change it, but I'm sure there has to be something better.

    Going back to what the OP is saying, no Apple is of course not unique in innovating, to suggest so is just blinkered. Taking the point of the multitasking or even copy and paste, I'm pretty sure that if other mobile OSs weren't doing this, Apple would have been happy to sit back and say sorry, you just can't do that. They can be quite an arrogant company like that.

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  • acearchie
    Aug 1, 08:43 AM
    Ohhh :( everyone should be able to benefit from the beautiful iTunes music store... But i wish apple would hurry up in getting tv shows to the other stores!!!

    I would buy buy buy its so simplistic! LOl

    Mar 18, 10:21 PM
    So far people have told me why my iPhone 4 is inferior to other phones, and the reasons are ridiculous.
    "It looks bad" LOL.
    "It's made of glass" I have iArmor Casing (Reference to that steel back photo at 9to5mac)
    "Its camera has less megapixels than mine" It shoots with better color balance.
    "It's expensive" It costs as much as any other smartphone.
    "It's too flat" It doesn't wobble around when I put it on the table.
    "It's rectangular" It doesn't slip out of my hand, like pod-shaped phones.
    "It's fragile" Again, iArmor Casing and 6 feet drops have not destroyed my phone yet.
    "Customer service sucks" LOLOLOL.
    "Antennagate much?" Never happened to me.
    "You can't remove the battery" The battery doesn't need removing; it never dies.
    "My phone shoots 1080p" Good luck storing 8 5-minute 1080p videos on a 16GB phone.
    "Apple Fanboy" Thunderbolt is a good phone, and Apple has some serious issues with labor.
    "App Store isn't open to everybody" and therefore has more reliable apps.
    "Screen is too small" 326ppi makes up for it.
    "iPhone 4 is slow" LOL.
    "AT&T sucks" ...Moving on :D

    Aug 8, 04:07 AM
    The real problem with ACD is that they don't have HDCP in the DVIs. Bying such a large monitor (I'm targeting 23") is 5-year investment. And bying one now, without HDCP is a wasted money because in 2 years HD movies would be mainstream and you could not watch them on that nice big monitor you bought.

    I was hoping Apple would present new ones now, but I guess it's not in the immediate plans.

    20" is still way too overpriced for the qualities it offers. That LG.Philips S-IPS panel has nice colours, but so is P-MVA in the Viewsonic wide range, with added benefit of being GBP150 cheaper in UK.

    Apr 18, 07:51 AM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    what??? On this one you can change the battery? lol

    iiii don't know, hard to tell. even though it's a full assembled mobile, it just doesn't has that Apple touch!

    I like most of the first early photos

    Apr 17, 06:24 AM
    Everything on the original iPhone was already in use by other phones. Apple simply combined them all together in one phone and made it simpler to use. It revolutionized yeah, by simply bringing that stuff to the front of peoples minds.

    oh so they just 'brought all those things together, and made it easier to use'..

    Isn't that just a very ungracious way of saying that Apple introduced a phone the like of which no-one had seen before and thus revolutionized the market then?

    Oct 3, 04:53 PM
    I wouldn't care to see more of iTv...but my cards are rested in Steve going in dept of the iTv :o

    I don't care about the iPhone or the "true" video ipod...they are just some old rumors.

    ....crafty though